"Its Oesophageal Cancer"

  • Thank You xx


    Thank you all for your replies and  messages following my last brief post, We do appreciate your kind words and support.

    I am pleased to say that we have 'oiked Peter back by the braces' and are in a more settled place.

    It has been a hairy and exhausting time and  I wondered how we could keep going, as you all know its hard to stay focused and positive when you are so tired you could sleep standing up, let alone…

  • And it was all going so well.

    After completing the first week of radiotherapy, Peter had a heart attack on Saturday 29.03.14. Its best I don't even try to describe the diagnosis treatment and care he received at two local hospitals !!!!!!!!! The subsequent days and nights were distressing and frustrating,which resulted in our youngest daughter and myself bringing Peter to The Marsden on Monday ,thank goodness we did as he had been completely misdiagnosed…
  • What a Lovely 'Almost' Ruby Wedding Garden Party


    We are so happy having had a perfect day. 39 years since we got married, unbelievable but true.

    Peter and I started today on a childishly rude note as I pulled back the sheets to administer a heparin injection, saying ' I have a little prick for you' his response was .... well ....' unprintable'

    So we started the day laughing and  it has continued there have been just 9 of us our 2 Daughters , son in…

  • Post Deleted


  • In 10 Years Time :) Love It.....


    Peter has been seen by the Radiology Team today, he will have 12 consecutive daily doses starting on 24th March Phew just about misses half term and our Granchildren's child care.

    He was told what to expect and the risks, one of which was, because of the close proximity to the pancreas there is an increased risk of developing diabetes in 10 years time . Whoo hoo I heard 10 years , Peter heard diabetes and said "oh…