"Its Oesophageal Cancer"




    After two cycles of weekly paclitaxol with Herceptin Peters tumors are shrinking, the liver nodules are half the size and the oesophageal cancer is less dense. As per my previous post we were expecting a good CT result as CEA-19 and CEA markers have been dropping since trial chemo combo commenced, but it was a far better result than we could have hoped for.

    This is a major event for Peter…

  • Cuddles Don't Work..


    Things are looking good as Peter completes cycle 2 of the MM-111 trial. his tumor markers are dropping . Hb is holding around 10. so we are expecting  a positive result from the CT and Mugga scans on Tuesday.

    The PICC line has been removed. which means weekly canulation for now.

    I am giving the daily injections of Tinzaparin. he will have an ultra sound of his arm on 25th March and if no evidence of clots these will…

  • Home


    I feel very fortunate that after a difficult week I have been able to bring Peter home , thinner, weaker and exhausted BUT HOME :).  This fortunate feeling is touched with sadness as I am reading of other members who's loved ones have ended or are near the end of their journeys. these are members who have helped Peter and I along the way, We are  privileged to have 'known them ' and although Peter and I have accepted…

  • Two steps forward One step back.

    What a topsy turvy day. We set off to catch the 5.15 train this morning having first checked the website which assured us no delays all was running smoothly. Huh. There were no trains due to over running engineering works.We had to drive halfway to London before we could get a train. Never mind we still made it here for the first of today's appointments at 8.30. Things were going well Iron stores normal so no iron needed…
  • Darn It ..


    Peter is well and truly in the moult now, lent over the goldfish tank this morning and left a raft of hair floating for em to play with.

    He's o.k about it, his hair has been very short for years now I just go over it with the clippers once a month so in the great scheme of things its not going to worry us to much..

    The Tubi-grip on his PICC looked a bit medical and frays, so I purchased  Picc sleeve covers lovely…