In need of answers

  • What is acceptable?


    Been a while since my last blog.


    What do you mean only 2 weeks give or take a few days????


    Really? Well I guess when I said what a difference a day makes I wasn't joking, just didn't realise it swung both ways!!!


    Well first good news dad had his heart surgery (open heart - defibrilator part 2 1st not enough!!!) and all went well (apparently) so two parents that need alot of care although they don't think…

  • When should you demand answers?!?!?


    Well mum went into hospital today for her hickman line putting in :) treatment will be easier from here on in!


    She received her first treatment today - not chemo but a 3 hour radioisotope infusion to help with the pain in her bones.


    To be honest I have no idea if or when they will start chemo every time I've asked in the last week they just keep saying they are waiting to know from the big hospital which treatment…

  • the power of a little pill!!!


    It's not often you want to rave about something.

    Anyone who has read my blog knows my mum recently has been controlled by pain to the extent a normally strong and stubborn woman has been reduced to telling us incessentally that she loves us and apologising for all she is putting us through, that and vomitting!!!


    Well yesterday at the consultant appointment he gave us a pescription for hydrocortisone 15mg twice…

  • Appointment with the consultant


    Well today was the day when they were going to tell us the treatment plan that had been decided upon.

    I say was because the consultant told me he was still waiting for the big training hospital to tell him what and when. The sceptic in me wondered if they were just placating me because mum being stage 4 with mets to liver and bone, and after reading some recent updates where they are doing far less for people with lower…

  • what a difference a day makes


    Firstly I'd like to thank anyone that takes the time to read this. Having friends asking me how are things going although helpful.  Unless they have been in this type of situation I don't feel I can really tell them everything I'm feeling or going through mainly because I feel that I'm burdening them so....


    After a couple of rough days worrying about how little she is eating because of the nausea and…