Appointment with the consultant

1 minute read time.

Well today was the day when they were going to tell us the treatment plan that had been decided upon.

I say was because the consultant told me he was still waiting for the big training hospital to tell him what and when. The sceptic in me wondered if they were just placating me because mum being stage 4 with mets to liver and bone, and after reading some recent updates where they are doing far less for people with lower stages had me worried.

So next Thursday mum will be going into hospital for an overnight stay to have a hickman line implanted and to receive the first treatment. What treatment? pass didn't want to stay too long as mum is still extremely weak and although we were out for just under 2 hours all of which she spent sat down in the car or in the wheelchair was too much for her. So if what I'm about to say is TMI but when we returned home she started violently retching for about 20 minutes. Bless her though all she bought up was mucus. So not counting todays blip as no food was bought up that is 6 days without vomitting :)   Also slowly she is eating more mainly because it is now me feeding her as her arm hurts so much when she moves it that she loses her appetite but the bonus is that when she opens her mouth to tell me she doesn't want any more I'm quicker at moving than she is at talking (which is a first) so I manage to get her to eat a few more bites :)

So once again France thank you we owe you so much. Will post another blog next week thanks for reading

Hugs and best wishes to you all

Helen xxx

  • FormerMember

    keeep going much hugs tracy

  • FormerMember

    Hi Helen,

    Aw your poor mum, what a traumatic day for her.  A hickman line has to be mean chemo angel so it is good news, she will soon be feeling much better :) they'll have to give her anti sickness, a lot of them otherwise she may be feeling rotten for a while (hope not). I really feel for you, with dad having the same and remaining reasonably well, I feel blessed but sad for you and also lots of fear of what is round the corner for us.

    Hope today is a good day for you xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Tracy,

    Thank you.

    Don't want to sound like a broken record but disgusted at the treatment your mum has received and have you asked for a second opinion yet?

    After saying that I am always here for you to scream at etc and sending you big hugs in return.

    Love Helen xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Mollyb,

    Today has been sooo much better for mum and fingers crossed I will be feeling irrated with her soon (in a good way of course).  Unfortunately neither of us are unaware of what is to come but the fact she will be given treatment after all I have read recently I consider ourselves lucky, and fingers crossed she will get to her stubborn self again.

    Love and hugs

    Helen xxx