When should you demand answers?!?!?

Less than one minute read time.

Well mum went into hospital today for her hickman line putting in :) treatment will be easier from here on in!


She received her first treatment today - not chemo but a 3 hour radioisotope infusion to help with the pain in her bones.


To be honest I have no idea if or when they will start chemo every time I've asked in the last week they just keep saying they are waiting to know from the big hospital which treatment will suit her best. It's that pesky little voice in my head that keeps shouting at me that they are just kindly fobbing me off because they don't want to tell us that she is too week for chemo :( I hope with all my heart I'm wrong and being paranoid.

Sorry I'm just fighting the fear tonight :'(

Thing is do I pin the Dr down tomorrow and refuse to let him move unless he tells me or do I just let it lie and trust that they know best how to help her.  Because right now I have tears streaming down my face and all that keeps going through my head is that 'I want my mum'

  • FormerMember

    hello helen

    oh sweetheart i thought your mum was having chemo and thats why they put the line in i sent you a message but had not read your blog i would insist you want answers as to why its being delayed if you need me i am here send a message i hope with all my heart you get this sorted thinking of you and sending you much love and hugs xxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Helen

    I know how distressing this is, and I think you have been coping really well, but you are under a lot of pressure and can't be expected to be anything other than human.  Tears and confusion seem to come along with the cancer.

    While you may not be able to do anything about the tears (I certainly haven't been able to stop them when they come), you can certainly do something about the confusion.

    If I were you, I'd follow my instincts and insist on getting the answers because it's only knowing what's happening that helps keeps us sane!

    I can't understand why it's taking them so long to decide on a treatment, even allowing for language difficulties and a different culture!  It's France not Timbuctoo, so I would have thought their treatment protocols were pretty similar to our own in the UK.  You need to know what's happening so I think you need to pin down the Doc and threaten him with GBH is he is anything less than honest with you about his treatment plans.

    I sincerely hope your worst fears are groundless, but you need to know what the heck is taking so long.

    Good luck.  Please let us know how you get on.  I'll be thinking of you.

    Love, Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Aw darling, I'm sorry.  As much as I want to say trust what they say, they are doing the best for your mum, I would have to know so I suggest asking them outright what their plans are, do this away from your mum though.  Good luck and let us know xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ya Helen,

    Grab a hold of your Dr and dont let him go until you get the answers that you want. Write out a list of questions so you know exactly what you want answered.. Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks to you all pinned him down today, he tried to fob me off repeatedly, eventually he realised he'd have a shadow all day if he didn't tell me.

    So here goes no chemo at present she is too weak to endure it BUT if she improves they will review the situation (BOLLOCKS) I am a realist and she wont improve to that extent. So after searching the net we have decided to look into alternative treatment although not cheap and may not work, nothing ventured nothing gained. At least we will know in our hearts that we will have tried everything we could. So when we decide what we are going to try I'll do another blog and let you know.  Maybe miracles can happen.

    Till then I'll keep smiling at the little b*****d plotting for ways to break it.

    As always thank you all for listening, much appreciated.

    Helen xxxx