What is acceptable?

1 minute read time.

Been a while since my last blog.


What do you mean only 2 weeks give or take a few days????


Really? Well I guess when I said what a difference a day makes I wasn't joking, just didn't realise it swung both ways!!!


Well first good news dad had his heart surgery (open heart - defibrilator part 2 1st not enough!!!) and all went well (apparently) so two parents that need alot of care although they don't think so! After all cancer, degenerative heart failure hmmm

So phase 1 of family descending today, great they bring help, phase 2 - a brother bringing a girlfriend who has just had keywhole abdominal surgery!!!! Don't get me wrong but WTF!!!  MRSA swab for her Thursday he assures me all is fine, I may be wrong but can they say definitively in one day she is clear?!?! PLEASE ADVISE. I have to date 2 parents with open access straight to their hearts and 1 shower!!! Also 3 days after keyhole abdominal surgery he is going to bring her here, just call me Florence!!!


Does that make me sound selfish? Actually scratch that question, to be honest don't care I feel so stretched in day to day life what with caring for my parents, looking after my children, work, keeping two houses clean. cooking, washing, ironing etc for two houses forget Florence call me Cinderella!


Forgot to say pinned down the doctor and mum is too weak for chemo, that and now she is willing herself to depart, if you get my drift, fights with district nurses because they don't know what the Drs or hospital has said regarding her mental well being and hospital!  I have never been considered butch but by god I'm wishing my shoulders were alot wider now!!!!


Sorry this is a moan more than a blog but I needed to vent and whoops for those that read this sorry wish I had more positive things to say (I really do) but unfortunately I don't.


So on that note I am going to take my sorry arse to bed and face another day of crap :(



  • FormerMember

    Helen, you have so much on your plate right now that I'm surprised you haven't torn your hair out!

    I suppose the relatives arriving are a blessing and a curse, but they will have to try to fit in with your routine a bit - and roll up their sleeeves and help, if they have any compassion!

    As for brother's GF - not sure if you meant she had had the swab taken and it was clear, or that she is getting it taken on Thursday?  

    I contracted hospital aquired MRSA a few years ago after surgery, and the symptoms were very obvious.  The wound doesn't heal and leaks pus, so I think if she had it, she would know.  But a swab should definitely pick it up.  I got results very quickly from mine and when I had to have further surgery less than a year later I was swabbed from head to foot (which seemed like a bit of a bloody cheek when it was they're fault I'd got it in the first place!!!) and I was all clear.

    What you have to remember is that anyone can be an infection risk, so hand washing and gel, and watching out for coughs and sneezes, have to be part of the routine for everyone.  MRSA is carried by some people without any symptoms, as are other bugs, so you can't ever have a cast iron guarantee.  Perhaps you should speak to your parents Docs for some advice on this one?

    I hope you get the support from your relatives that you so desperately need right now.  In the meantime, I hope you can get some sleep, as without that, as I'm sure you know, everything is so much harder.

    Let us know how you get on.

    Lots of love, Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Helen, you sound as though you could do with a break - can you get away for 24 or 48 hours if other relatives took over for a bit?? You are doing so well, and must be so tired, please make sure you look after yourself and ask the district nurses about respite/home care etc etc.

    Lots of love

    Ems xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Helen,

    Time for a break. You will be no good you anyone if you make yourself ill. So have some me time and recharge the batteries.  Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    hi helen

    as my pm said so hard for you with two parents ill if you have relatives coming you have to make sure they are well and not likely to pass anything on or they should not come , i agree with ann plenty of handwashing with antibacterial gel , any sign of a cough or sneeze send them home , but if they are fit and able you desperately need some help remember they are not there for you to have to look after them you have enough on your plate if anything they should give you a much needed rest and as for brothers GF should he really bring her under the circumstances i think perhaps not if there is any question over the MRSA he needs to make sure first that all is ok with that , you try and get some rest helen stay safe xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    message didnt end properly much love and more helen xxxxxxxx irene xxxxx