the power of a little pill!!!

1 minute read time.

It's not often you want to rave about something.

Anyone who has read my blog knows my mum recently has been controlled by pain to the extent a normally strong and stubborn woman has been reduced to telling us incessentally that she loves us and apologising for all she is putting us through, that and vomitting!!!


Well yesterday at the consultant appointment he gave us a pescription for hydrocortisone 15mg twice daily (tablet form).  Kid you not one tablet last night and one this morning and already her appetite has improved, add to that already she is trying to lessen her pain relief (not letting her yet!) and futher still she is complaing about having to be in bed.  Given the fact that the decline in her health over the last month+ it is an absolute rainbow for us even to the extent that today she told us to 'bugger off' when we told her to lie down and rest.


So for all with mets in the bone ask the Drs for this as if it works for the pain it is less confusing/debilitating than increasing morphine and the increase in appetite helps for treatment I cant believe the difference in just a day more energy, less pain and more irritable ;)

Good luck, hugs and best wishes to all

Helen xxx
