Grief is so damn hard

  • Just a vent

    Not sure who I am angriest with: me, BT or EE. But probably me. My beautiful Valen worked from home and dealt with people in Canada, America and India so needed a really good spec broadband. He was also renowned for his love of gadgets, new...
  • You knew didn’t you?

    I had a crash day today after my first counselling session yesterday.  I came away from it knowing it will be of benefit and went to our cafe to tell our 2 best friends all about it. A few tears but was ok. Ok when I got home. Ac...
  • My daughter s 3 yr anniversary

    Hi everyone just feeling very lost and very alone. It's her 3rd anniversary next week. I keep breaking down sobbing  and no matter where I am I can't hold it in my partner goes quiet and doesn't know what to say I keep thinking about...
  • Ambushed again

    So today was so frosty and black ice every where. I went out and did a little skid. I reached out laughing “Dont let me fall”  I crashed down. Not physically. with reality.  A little while ago I posted on the forum about little ...
  • Week 15

    So today it is 15 weeks since my beautiful Valen was ripped from me. Ive started my blog today due to 2 reasons. First, my beautiful Valen loved Father Brown and a new series is starting. Secondly, we were due to fly to Singapore and Malays...