Getting my head around it

  • 30 November coping at home.


    Pain-wise I'm not too bad just now.  I can sleep on my side at last, for the past two nights, so I have removed the bed cradle that kept the clothes off my toes when I had to sleep on my back.  Appetite is OK but I can't taste much unless it has salt, sugar, chillies or curry in it!  I'm not fond of very sweet things so I go for standard food and muesli cereals with fruit rather than exotic cuisine.  Weight is…

  • Blogging again


    Why do we blog?  Who is going to read the stuff we write anyway.  And does it matter?

    I don't get many replies to my blogs so I have no idea how many readers have read and passed on to the next thing.  Just now I came across someone else's blog and it touched my heart.  Different subject entirely but I felt I might have something to say. So I replied to the blog entry.

    Yesterday was a good day, less pain, walking…

  • Being a carer too


    I've used the same title to enter a discussion in the Prostate Cancer Group.  Although my last blog entry was upbeat I now have worries for the future of this home with my wife and myself struggling to cope in it.

    My pain is better from the pelvic fracture, I can walk about the house with one crutch, not two, so I can carry things in the free hand.  But my wife is becoming much worse with joint pains and she sleeps…

  • 17 November 2013


    After a bad patch, things are beginning to look up.  My pain control regime has settled down and all symptoms are a little better.  Secondary symptoms like constipation have responded to a gentle laxative for example.  The best of all was when my four adult children arrived from various corners of the earth to sort out the home arrangements here.

    Two of the children were due to come to the UK on business anyway.  It just…

  • Update 10 November 2013


    Pain in my pelvic secondaries with fractures became unbearable and so I tried to get help via my GP on Thursday last, before the weekend shutdown.  My pain control had been based on ibuprofen full doses, with paracetamol.  This had been adequate until about two weeks ago. I phoned McMillan Helpline to find out what to do.  They listened to my story, took my personal details and advised me to ask my GP to refer me for palliative…