30 November coping at home.

1 minute read time.

Pain-wise I'm not too bad just now.  I can sleep on my side at last, for the past two nights, so I have removed the bed cradle that kept the clothes off my toes when I had to sleep on my back.  Appetite is OK but I can't taste much unless it has salt, sugar, chillies or curry in it!  I'm not fond of very sweet things so I go for standard food and muesli cereals with fruit rather than exotic cuisine.  Weight is steady, I'm not getting fat and lazy as they said I would on these drugs.

The main probem is coping with the home as my wife is very disabled now.  We are seeking help in the house and have already found a good cleaner who can be trusted.  Getting meals now takes an age as my wife is very slow on her feet.  Her right hand is painful too so she tries to avoid using it.  There is a limit to how much I can do as I too am slow on my feet with crutches that keep getting in the way.  Next job is to find a gardener who can do all the heavy stuff and who is prepared to do the things I ask of him.  Shopping tomorrow at the supermarket by car will be a problem carrying the loaded bags from car to house.  At least I can drive again.  Supermarket ordering on line with delivery would be worth a try.
