Getting my head around it

  • 10.12.13


    I've just read my own last blogs as well as those of friends in Macsite.

    I come across as a bit angry and complaining.  Pity as I've had a good day.

    To set the record straight: I'm feeling well, I've written a letter to dear Dr Onc about what I think he tried to say to me and my pains are much less.  I hope to throw away the crutches soon.

    My wife had a crisis of inability to move or reach the toilet…

  • Dr Onc.


    I kept my appointment today at the oncology unit, which is well designed and very friendly, and saw the consultant oncologist, (Dr Onc).  It was not a happy experience and, as thre are other things I'm expected to do at home right now, I'll try to be brief.

    Dr Onc was running one hour late.  That of itself didn't matter as this was the NHS and my fellow patients waiting were charming, interesting people and the…

  • Thoughts for today


    I'm due to see Dr Onc, (not his real name), on Friday at the Unit.  Ok so far as they look after me very well.

    Pains from my pathological fracture(s) of the pelvis are generally better but have shifted.  The urinary symptoms, day and night, are worse.  I have the printed results of my blood tests last week and I will have them with me for my onc appointment.  I'm not sure what's going on but, as my PSA continues to rise…

  • Tiredness, 3 December


    I started writing this posting and I lost it!  Disappeared.  Trick of my laptop? Gone into The Cloud?

    After months of lack of sleep I'm now able to sleep better.  When the pain from the pelvic fracture and RT was at its worst I couldn't get into bed or settle once there.  I slept in a chair in the lounge for a while. Next, I could climb into bed but had to sleep on my back, supported all round by pillows.  Now, at…

  • Facing up to the future


    They say we shouldn't talk about it; the ultimate, final journey.  I've had a down day when I tried to do too much and I'm tired out.  Although I didn't write this poem today, it does express something of how I feel.

    was always someone else's problem.
    Grandad, Grandma then my uncles
    aunts and relatives less known
    fell ill and stopped by the wayside
    their time to go came round
    like seasons with the sun…