Getting my head around it

  • Plateau


    Things have not changed significantly in the past month, hence the title.

    I can walk reasonably far but I still get tired.  My legs still do not feel as though they are fully under my control and they are weaker than they used to be. The mets are still there in my pelvis but are quiet at the moment as my PSA had fallen to 3 at the last count.  I know it should be lower on treatment.  I gave up ibuprofen completely more…

  • Update 21 March 2014


    I took my wife into hospital this morning for her operation, -hip replacement.  No news yet but I will telephone the ward, shortly, to find if she is out of theatre and recovering normally.  Since returning home have done some useful work in the garden and some tidying up in the house.  Papers sorted, put away or binned.

    I continue to feel very well but I would like a good night's sleep tonight as I will not be disturbed…

  • Abiraterone and Team Leucocytes.


    I'll explain!  I'm enjoying the support of abiraterone from Dr Onc and his team of delightful staff.  I have to have prednisolone tablets daily and infusion of bisphosphanate every four weeks to make use of all the extra calcium I am taking daily.  This is intended to build up my skeleton where the rats have been at it and to prevent osteoporosis since I was chemically castrated by the above abiraterone etc!


  • Night and Day


    The days are fine, litterally no rain for 24 hours!  And my pains become less with each day.  Today we did our weekly supermarket shop and I was walking almost normally with only a trace of limp.  Yesterday I walked around the village and riverfront areas for almost an hour.  By the end my legs were tired but today they seem stronger as the result of the exercise.  My daytime tablets for pain relief are now down to a half…

  • Recovery routine


    A little less pain in the right hip region each day, hand-on-hip not the joint itself.  That was checked by xrays and scans and has no mets in it. So I set out to a little more each day.

    Today I walked up and down the stairs, quickly, without using the hand rail.  Soon I shall feel steady enough to climb the stairs holding two cups of tea, one in each hand, instead of the one plus the handrail as I do at present.  When…