
1 minute read time.

Things have not changed significantly in the past month, hence the title.

I can walk reasonably far but I still get tired.  My legs still do not feel as though they are fully under my control and they are weaker than they used to be. The mets are still there in my pelvis but are quiet at the moment as my PSA had fallen to 3 at the last count.  I know it should be lower on treatment.  I gave up ibuprofen completely more than 2 weeks ago but I still have to take paracetamol to settle for the night.  My bladder irritability and poor stream have not really altered for months in spite of the drugs including tamsulosin, (the famous Petyme).  Attempting to give up lansoprazole for my stomach has not been a success so far and I assume this is because I have to take prednisolone.

I'm in limbo, not knowing whether I'm still improving or what may come next.  I have a cruise holiday booked and insurance for it and I hope to be in good shape then in June.  I know I shall not be able to go on shore and explore on foot as much as I have in the past.  I don't think either my wife or I will be able to cope with any evening dances on board.

If only I could sleep better and for longer at a stretch.  Two hours between TVs (toilet visits) is the best I can manage at present.  Once or twice I have gone three hours for no particular reason or drug.  Alcohol is out because it goes straight to the mets to make them hurt.  When restless at night, camomile or Lady Gray tea without milk both seem to relax me and help me get back to sleep.  I can get camomile on board the cruise ship.

ISQ but hoping for better things.  I think I'll get a PSA done before I go to onclogy towards the end of this month although the blood test is not due this time.
