Getting my head around it

  • Happy days


    I feel well!  Yesterday I worked effectively in the garden for two hours or more and cleared away a lot of large pruning that had been waiting for weeks or even months.  A couple of days of wind without rain had dried off the branches and their dead leaves so that I was able to use the shredder. (Cog-type shredder, not whirling blades).  Today I went for a walk right through the village and met several old friends I hadn…

  • Thoughts, 3.2.2014


    Time to try and assess where I am and how I'm doing.  Lots on the Macsite for me to think about.  Concluson is that we are all different in the disease we have to face. Nothing is standard and variations from day to day in this person make no sense sometimes.

    Good day yesterday. Walking better so that I went out without a stick. Went to the supermarkets for the weekly shopping with my wife who is finding walking extremely…

  • Further progress 1.2.14


    Another month has begun.  It is less dark now except under heavy rain.  Today I managed to do some useful work in the garden the first for many weeks.  All at ground level, but I was able to use a saw and long-armed secateurs to good effect to prune a large buddleia bush.  Next task will be to use the shredder and reduce it all to small pieces for compost.

    My pelvic pains continue to improve on abiraterone.  The clinic has…

  • Progress report 28.1.2013


    After two difficult days where my symptoms seemed to get worse things generally are much better today.

    The pains in my right pelvis and leg had forced me to go back to using one crutch, on the left side, for walking outside the house.  This was a step backwards as I had recently given up both crutches and was looking forward to longer walks to get fit again.  Also, after starting the abiraterone about 3 weeks ago, the…

  • Sunshine after rain.


    My visit to dear Dr Onc this morning was a success!  We got on well!  He had good news and explained than my apparent rise in PSA was a mistake, it's too early after only two weeks on abiraterone and things are going on OK.  He was pleased with my progress and said so!

    I'm so embarrassed to have sounded off as I did yesterday and acted as though my life was over.  Thank you those who posted some sense to me even…