Recovery routine

1 minute read time.

A little less pain in the right hip region each day, hand-on-hip not the joint itself.  That was checked by xrays and scans and has no mets in it. So I set out to a little more each day.

Today I walked up and down the stairs, quickly, without using the hand rail.  Soon I shall feel steady enough to climb the stairs holding two cups of tea, one in each hand, instead of the one plus the handrail as I do at present.  When I go out, without my crutches, I try to walk upright, looking ahead and suppressing a limp onto the right leg.  There is still some pain in the right hip region which I suppose it due to a bone metastasis near the crest of the iliac bone and where walking muscles are attached.  I've asked The Team to concentrate on this area and I think they are, at last, doing a great job.  How does one congratulate or reward the immune system?  (Stay away from poisons and RT?)

My routine, other than prescribed medication, is ibuprofen with meals, 3 times a day well spaced out, and paracetamol at night. This is beginning to work although my nights depend on how often the bladder gets me up and how often my wife needs help of some kind.   My sections of sleep are now 2hrs or more not one hour or less as they were until a short time ago.  I have cut out the daytime paracetamol only in the last few days and feel better for it. Am I better because I'm taking less paracetamol or am I taking less paracetamol because I'm better?  It's hard to know.

I take as little sucrose as I can by not eating sweetened foods like chocolates or desserts although some choc desserts may creep in during the week.  I eat a fresh apple and two raw carrots every day, with pure apple juice at every meal.  Every meal has fruit in it as dessert or as fresh-cut melon to start the day at breakfast. We don't have afternoon tea as a meal.  Fetching and carrying things up and down the stairs is good basic exercise but I plan to set out to walk a little further each day, weather permitting.
