feeling useless as my dad battles cancer

  • sorry for being quiet :-(


    not a ramble today sorry folks,

    ive been quiet for a long time and i guess thats because ive been adapting to my dads batte.

    chemo has really hit him hard, he is due his 3rd cycle of ECX on 6th May but its been major struggle for him and a struggle for me & family to see him strugging so much.

    his weight has dropped massively, my poor dad has lost most of his hair :( and just sits staring or dozes off - again we…

  • tough few days :-(


    well dad had his chemo last thursday and ive spent most the time worried about himand my mum.

    dad is struggling to drink, eat and is generally just sat staring or sleeping - dont think it helps that he knows he cant go ack to work until his 18 weeks of chemo is over. think work was keeping him going, giving him something to distract him from the cancer.

    on another note, i think its getting tougher on my mum to see him…

  • 4pm ramble & thanks!!


    wow i really am touched by the amount of you that have commented or sent me a message saying my rambles make you smile and that your sadly in same boat :( i am glad that in my own little madness i can offer support and comfort to others.

    i just wanted to mention my mum, i feel sometimes those closest get forgotten - i know my mum is trying to stay strong, like me and my sister but she lives with dad, sees him daily at…

  • 4am ramble!!!!!


    yup its approaching 4am and here i am on the site, and yup i admit to doing abit of googling.....but.....for a good cause (i think) you may have noticed my profile picture, well i pinched the image off a great site called Zazzle uk. i was initially looking for an awareness ribbon, i discovered Periwinkle Blue is the colour of choice for Oseopahgus Cancer (i will learn to spell that one day!!) however i was struggling…

  • 2nd ramble & thanks.....


    thank you to all that commented on my 1st ramble, i knew i was not alone but was also concerned at my confusion!!

    i feel as if i dont make much sense and believe it or not i am fairly intelligent until it comes to things like this!! i will heed the advice to stop looking on the internet for anwers/solutions because there are sooooo many conflicting articles/sites and this is the only site that i have found of use.