sorry for being quiet :-(

1 minute read time.

not a ramble today sorry folks,

ive been quiet for a long time and i guess thats because ive been adapting to my dads batte.

chemo has really hit him hard, he is due his 3rd cycle of ECX on 6th May but its been major struggle for him and a struggle for me & family to see him strugging so much.

his weight has dropped massively, my poor dad has lost most of his hair :( and just sits staring or dozes off - again we as his family are left feeling immensely helpless.

he is deteriorating daily although this chemotherapy is supposed to be helping????????

oh dear its turning into a ramble after all hahahaha - silly me!!

dad is barely eating, drinking and becoming withdrawn - all of this is easy to understand considering any food/fluids in passing a raw tumour from the chemo but its scary to see a treatment thats supposed to be helping him, destroy him :'-(

anyway, im not the only one watching a loved one struggle with this horrid *@$^ing disease :-)  feel free to fill in the missing letters ;-)

soooooo im sending out cyber hugs to all that need  them, and letting you know that even though im not on the site, i never stop thinking about others in the same situation as me


  • FormerMember

    hi hun we are all here for you so you ramble away girl cant imagine what its like to see youre dad so ill but always stay positive chemo is so nasty im going for no 5 tomorrow out of 6 have had my good days and my bad days my sick weeks and i mean weeks when i couldnt keep anything down my numb legs  feet and hands and sleepless nights gosh its amazing when you think its supposed to be helping and yet makes you so ill at the same time but i can understand how you are feeling so helpless there is love and comfort we can send you hun and lots of it stay strong and positive know its hard love and hugs jen xxxx

  • FormerMember

    It's so hard watching your dad go through this. My family is doing the same thing and it's heartbreaking, watching the man you knew fade away. You start to grieve before it's ended and the oddest things make you cry, songs that remind you of times spent helping him build things in the garage, old photos, other people talking about what they're going to do with their dads. I can't offer you anything to make you feel better because I have nothing, I just wanted you to know that you're not alone, there are others out here hurting too and we understand.

    I hope your dad rallies after his chemo finishes, all the best, Vicola xxx

  • FormerMember

    I've replied to your message - my dad is exactly the same as yours & I am also really struggling.

    How do people do this??? I don't feel I can.

  • FormerMember

    PK, chances are you're stronger than you think. It's the hardest thing in the world, what we're all doing, but we do it because for that time until the end we're putting aside our feelings and pain and desire to run away and hide in an attempt to make our dad's/mum's/sibling's/spouse's remaining time easier. And we all know that there'll be time enough to fall apart, cry, scream and break things when it's over. We do it because there is no Plan B, I really wish there was but there isn't. Hugs to you all and if you need support, this site is a brilliant place to find it. xxx