
  • Thoughtful Friday


    Blimey, it makes such a difference when the sun is shining. Life seems just that bit easier, washing gets dried, puppys can run in and out and children are happy just to sit and chat and Alan can bask outside on the lounger.

    Today Alan looks a bit better, he is looking healthier and is pottering around a bit more.

    Today i feel ok. Im not too anxious, my appetite is enormous and i have managed to get some 'normal' things…

  • Thursday


    Not the greatest night's sleep, again. Alan suffers so much with his sore throat in the night, he says it feels narrow and sore. We worked out though that taking the pills with milk or even better, yoghurt seems to help with pill taking. Because he finds it hard to swallow the spit builds in his mouth and he has to spit it out. We booked an appointment with the GP in the afternoon to see if we could get his throat looked…

  • Wednesday


    Oh dear, not such a good morning...

    Woke up after a very broken and restless night's sleep. Alan has got used to sleeping all morning but not at night. He can't swallow very well so has to drink and spit all the time.He gets up many many times. I think the strain of the past week hit me today. I sorted out the puppy whilst getting Alan his things and the thought came into my head that the puppy should be returned. It…

  • Monday and Tuesday..


    If i don't write a blog post that evening, i cannot remember what i did the next day! My mind is befuddled most of the time.

    Ill try to remember what happened on Monday... My sister offered to see Alan in hospital at lunchtime which meant that I could do some of my artwork that needed to be done. Alan loved having someone to talk to! When i went in the evening he was not too bad, a bit distant and tired...we cuddled…

  • Sunday...


    Alan asked me not to bring the children in to see him today as the man in the bed opposite is incredibly ill, Alan has to keep his curtains shut now as he cant bear to look at him although he can hear him wheezing and being sick :(

    Alan did not look as well today i thought, he said he did not think he had been drinking enough. When i got there he was eating a veggie cottage pie but when i got home he texted to say he…