
2 minute read time.

Oh dear, not such a good morning...

Woke up after a very broken and restless night's sleep. Alan has got used to sleeping all morning but not at night. He can't swallow very well so has to drink and spit all the time.He gets up many many times. I think the strain of the past week hit me today. I sorted out the puppy whilst getting Alan his things and the thought came into my head that the puppy should be returned. It was all too much. I spoke to the children about it, one was ok, one cried. I said i was not going to decide on my own and it was just a thought. Of course the puppy must have sensed something because he became more deliberately cute and adorable as the day went on!

Alan and i cried a lot on and off in the morning, we realised that on Sat we will have been married for 13 years, my husbands bday is on the 13th and we live at no 13 so we had a little cry at the poignancy of that.

My son had a friend over to play and i went to the hospital to get Alan's lunchtime meds ( that were not ready last night) I just got home in time for the district nurse to give Alan his injection then i took the son's friend home, we took the pup with us and on the way we stopped in at Pets@home where i bought loads of extra things for the puppy ( probably guilt on my part!)

I have read everyone's comments about 'me' time and i do agree. I think especially as it is the end of the holidays i am absolutely shattered, as are lots of Mums out there! Im going to nip out for a bit tomorrow on my own inbetween mealtimes when Alan is napping in the morning. It's hard to fit that sort of time in, i guess you have to be strict with yourself. 

Tonight Alan's friend is visiting, Alan has eaten a lot more and i am hoping that we can get more organised at home. I'm sure people can relate to bedrooms turning into a pharmacy cum hospital! Silly things like i want some plastic pockets up on the wall to organise all his equipment and things.

I do feel tired but that was the broken sleep and the relief of having Alan home. I think now i want to focus a bit on getting us all into a sort of routine that is good for everyone. Especially as the children are returning to school. The macmillan nurse did not get in touch today, we really need her now so i am hoping she will ring in the am.

  • FormerMember


    I feel for you so much. Over the past week we have just done so so much to try to manage Avril's wellbeing. It's only now that she's passed away that we can take stock and look back at just what a whirlwind time that was.. nurses.. prescriptions.. more nurses.. more prescriptions.. calling at 2am in the morning and waiting waiting waiting for the call back... It's taken us to hell and back to be honest. I can't begin to describe exactly how I feel right now.. a combination of exhaustion, relief and guilt about feeling the relief.

    My Avril.. my lovely Avril has gone forever. I will never hear her voice again or feel her skin against mine. From this point on all I will have are memories of the times we spent together and nothing more tangible than that. I loved her with all my heart.

    She died at not even 50 years old. We had plans to see the world and enjoy our 50s and 60s together.. plans that have come to nothing. Now I am alone really. Eating meals for one and trying to explain the inexplicable. I see couples in their late 40s and early 50s walking hand-in-hand and laughing.. That should have been Avril and I but it isn't.

    You keep up the good work with Alan and relish each moment that you spend together for they are all precious.

    Peace and love

    Mark x

  • FormerMember

    Emily such a brave and strong person, take care, hope you manage the me time tomorrow and pray that Alan has a better night. It will be good for the children to get back to school, hopefully you will be able to get some structure back into your lives.

    Love and hugs to you all

    Jackie xxx

  • FormerMember

    Oh Mark,

    I'm crying reading your words, i'm so very sorry, i was thinking about you both earlier.

    Your love for her is very tangible to me, she was a lucky lady to have you.

    I'm sure you feel very numb and lonely but know that you are NOT alone. There are many people here who care about you and please continue to write on here if you can, please.

    And really, don't feel guilty, it is hell to see a partner go through this and you are bound to feel all sorts of emotions so just let them come.

    Keep hold of those lovely memories of yours and i hope you have people now watching and looking after you.

    I'm so sorry you lost Avril. I really am. I know how hard you must have tried to keep her painfree and comfortable in the last few weeks.

    I shall think about you often and please let me know how you are. Take care of yourself.

    Love Emily x

  • FormerMember

    Thinking of you. Hope today is a better day.

    Love, Ann x