Thoughtful Friday

1 minute read time.

Blimey, it makes such a difference when the sun is shining. Life seems just that bit easier, washing gets dried, puppys can run in and out and children are happy just to sit and chat and Alan can bask outside on the lounger.

Today Alan looks a bit better, he is looking healthier and is pottering around a bit more.

Today i feel ok. Im not too anxious, my appetite is enormous and i have managed to get some 'normal' things done.

Ive been thinking about how 'normal' it feels sometimes , just fleetingly, before i return back to the horror movie we are living in.

Ive been hoping that there will be more of these 'ok' days to come

Ive been missing music, i try to listen to loud music as much as possible when i can , it makes me feel so much better, it's just lately people either hate the noise or the puppy is around or i need to hear if someone is calling or ringing me..

Ive been wishing that i was one of these highly organised individuals who seem to put lids on things and know exactly where to find stuff they have put down. I do like lists, but then i lose the lists :/

Ive been hiding, hiding feelings, hiding from the thought of telling the children that their Dad will die from this nasty disease, hiding the fact that i was scared of giving Alan the DVT injections. ( but hell yes im doing them!)

Ive been afraid, of making certain phone calls, of meeting people accidently who dont yet know, afraid that someone will call at the wrong moment. Afraid of thinking too far ahead.

Ive been amazed at how many people there are, who are out there who care.

Ive been thankful, thankful for more time, thankful for the energy to get up and on with it, thankful for my beautiful family and for friends too. Thankful for this site and the wonderful people i have met on here :)

x x

  • FormerMember


    It's a privilege to be allowed to get to "know" you and Alan and your family. What makes it so heartbreaking is your dignity in the face of this hideous disease. If only there were a magic wand ...

    I wish you continued courage, strength and determination, and send you love & hugs,


  • FormerMember

    Phew you have been busy...  :o) and beautifully put... next time you go to the gym, go with your earphones in  and blast away! (I do it in the car when on my own- ipod full blast)

    and well done for the injections! I think we amaze ourselves with what we can do.. we think we can't cope and can't do things and you are proof that we can even if we do lose lists :o)

    Another big hug coming your way, cos boy do you deserve one!


  • FormerMember

    Hi Emily - how lovely that both you and Alan have had a better day of it today - I realised today that I have not had any music on for weeks and I so love music - its going back on tomorrow !

    As for normal hmmm thats a hair type I believe ?! Cos it sure doesnt apply to my life any more !

    There is a word you have missed out though - proud - and you should be proud of everything you do and say - even though we get it wrong sometimes we are still in there giving our very best and you exemplify that.

    Go Emily !

    Have a lovely weekend and may you both continue to have sunny days.

    L xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Emily,

    Fistly well done, you are doing so well caring for a loved one, suffering is hard. Yes we are not ill but we suffer the guilt, pain, fear etc.

    Let the music play long and loud when possible, the escape is priceless.

    Children understand more than we give them credit for and quite often pretend for our sakes because they feel that is all they can do to protect us.  

    As for other people, the grapvine often works more efficiently, so try not to stress about that. Also maybe try a tip I read on here and do a general e-mail to send to all if it worries you.

    Organizied! Are you a robot? Thought not so you forget a few things... I bet you don't forget the important things!!!

    I bet before all this happened you never thought you would be able to do all you are doing now! But you can, and are!!!

    Normal..... Thats just something you are used to.

    Thankfull? Forget it, we are a family on here, all be it strangers in one way but in others so familiar we don't need words to understand, we just do.

    As always hugs and best wishes Helen xxx

  • FormerMember

    Sounds like a good day.  I'm hoping you all have many more.

    Lots of love, Ann x