
3 minute read time.

Not the greatest night's sleep, again. Alan suffers so much with his sore throat in the night, he says it feels narrow and sore. We worked out though that taking the pills with milk or even better, yoghurt seems to help with pill taking. Because he finds it hard to swallow the spit builds in his mouth and he has to spit it out. We booked an appointment with the GP in the afternoon to see if we could get his throat looked at and also to stock up on medicines like paracetamol.

At 10am my Dad took the children out for the day and I put the dog in his crate, made sure Alan was good and left the house. It felt good to play loud music in the car and just have a few moments. I went to the gym because i have not been for a long time and i love to go. It was all a bit surreal and i felt quite strange just doing ordinary type things. I took my phone around with me in case Alan called. After about 35mins i could not do much more ( i used to stay for two hours) and i started to fret about the odd bits and bobs i needed to get from the shops and how i needed to back home before Alan got too i nipped to Sainsbury's got a huge basket of bits and went home.

I know i did not relax properly but it is a start! I might try to go again tomorrow :).

When i got back Alan was sitting in the garden, which was great. It was a lovely day. He was all wrapped up and sitting in the sun, the dog was on the grass asleep. We had lunch outside then the district nurse arrived to give the injection for Alan's leg. It has been decided that i will do it tomorrow, under the nurses guidance. Im happy to do it as it will give us a little more freedom on the good days. Straight after she had gone we had a call from the Mac nurse. Alan spoke to her first and then i spoke to her for about 40mins. She is coming next Thursday for a chat. I talked to her mainly about the children as i am worried that although they know their Dad is really ill, they do not really understand it is terminal. This worries me mainly as they are returning to school and I worry that someone at their school will have some story or will have heard something my children haven't ...

As soon as i put down the phone it was time to go to the Drs, even though we left in plenty of time the Burghley Horse Trials traffic was awful, anyway, we made it just in time. The Dr said Alan's throat might have a tear or slight damage but that there was nothing he could do about it really, so that was pants. He gave us some nutrition drinks though ( good for the initial chemo week phase) and i asked for some duocal..although he gave us some cheaper version of it. I need Alan to have extra calories in everything to try and get his weight up a little bit. So we went to the pharmacy who only had half the stuff :( and came home. 

Stew with broccoli and mashed potato for dinner ( potato absolutely brimming with butter and double cream! ) Sprinkled over feta and pine nuts for good measure. Im glad he has a bit of an appetite again. As long as it's a 'wettish' meal he is good.

I mowed the lawn, sorted some emails, it's good to see Alan pottering about a little. I booked in my daughter to have her hair dyed on Saturday and texted to tell her so she was excited and my son's new phone arrived today. They have had such a rubbish summer i really feel for them. It will be hard when they return to school and have to talk about their holidays to others. I am hoping the school pastoral team will ring me on Monday or Tuesday. 

Anyway im waffling was an ok day :) 
