
  • Super Saturday...


    The day started well enough...5 hours sleep (brill) and puppy got up late 7am so all was good. At ten i noticed that the puppy was limping suddenly, i heard no yelp and he had not been doing anything out of the ordinary. Blast! Rang the vet who could get him in at eleven. Rushed over there, he got in the vets who examined him and he was just trotting about normally, sheesh, tired and £40 poorer i came home and started…

  • A long weekend ahead..


    Today was a weird day. Alan was in overnight and i cant send him texts as the oncology ward has no damn signal for vodaphone phones. When i rang the ward i had these answers.. 'It's the drug round at the mo can you ring in half an hour' and 'the drs are seeing him now can you ring in a bit' and 'I've just joined the shift i have not seen his notes' . So i got narky and hey presto eventually someone told me how his night…

  • ..hospital admission for husband


    Thurs 25th

    Unfortunately Alan did have a bad night last night, he could not keep water down and was vomiting every hour. At 6.45am my son went off to his football tournament and at 8am we rang the line straight to the oncology ward. They said they were full and could we ring the GP. My daughter went to a friend's at 10am. Our GP did a home visit at 11am, by now Alan was very dehydrated and the Dr was concerned that his…

  • A long day...


    Weds 24th, I did not plan for a busy day but it turned out to be crazy . Alan had a restless night, but was not sick in the night.The puppy woke up at 6, everyone else laid in till 9. Alan had no appetite but drank more water which was good, he hates the taste of water and most squashes so it's been a bit hard. Unfortunately he took all his 9am pills and was sick just after, which made us think they were not absorbed…

  • Tues 23rd- First day after husband's first chemo.


    Day 13 since diagnosis.( Husband has stage 4 lung cancer with mets to liver and pancreas) My husband, Alan, had chemo yesterday. His first cycle of three.When i woke up he was crying and he has been asleep on and off all day. He managed some soup which was good and has been listening to music .This does comfort him alot. My son and daughter are 12 and 13 and they have been in and out of the house but i think it is starting…