Monday and Tuesday..

3 minute read time.

If i don't write a blog post that evening, i cannot remember what i did the next day! My mind is befuddled most of the time.

Ill try to remember what happened on Monday... My sister offered to see Alan in hospital at lunchtime which meant that I could do some of my artwork that needed to be done. Alan loved having someone to talk to! When i went in the evening he was not too bad, a bit distant and tired...we cuddled and chatted, he seems to talk a lot about his time in his 20's (way before i met him) . Unfortunately i got a phone call from the children (home alone) who said the puppy had been sick and ominously my son annouced the puppies back legs 'weren't working'. Also the children were getting fed up and hungry. I left the hospital and raced home ( leaning forwards in the car, i dont know why i think that will make me go faster but hey) to find the puppy was fine just tired out. I sorted out the children and decided I cant leave them again unless i have to.I spent the evening doing the artwork and sorting out things.


My friend came round with the ironing and brought her three children, it was nice as we chatted, she started to clean the sink and clean oven trays etc. I felt a bit weird with her doing that as it made me feel a bit like i must have had a horrid dirty kitchen. Then i thought who gives a ****. I guess we will have people around doing that kind of thing alot so id better get used to it. She didnt stay long because we had to go to the dentist at 3pm. All clear at the dentist. It got a bit awkward when he asked the children if they had a lovely holiday, one look at our faces seemed to make him go quiet. My Dad came round at 4.30 and i found out that Alan was having a blood transfusion. Turns out he is the same blood group as me, maybe he got one of my units: ). Then they said Alan could come home! I went off to get him while my Dad babysat and i posted my artwork on the way so i did make the deadline afterall.

Picked up Alan. He was pleased to leave, we left with the most enormous pill bag and instructions. He seemed to have accumulated a great deal of things whilst at the hospital so it took a few trips. Unfortunately i had promised Dad and the children i would pick up fish and chips on the way home from visiting Alan. Now Alan was coming home i had to get him back with the fish and chips even though the smell i knew would make him feel sick.. We managed it and then Alan watched Bruce Almighty on the sofa with our daughter whilst i tidied our bedroom and really cleaned the bathroom. ( Mindful of how lovely and clean the new hospital is!) 

At 10pm Alan was peckish and wanted soup, but then he had to take his pills, 10 mins later everything came back up...I rang the ward because i was worried that his pills had not absorbed, they said not to take them again but i worry as this was how it started before. Alan cried a lot, whilst taking the pills and whilst being sick. It was awful. Alan is now in the bath, he just cried out because every now and then he has an involuntary bite and catches his tongue.I feel numb tonight. Happy Alan is home but petrified too. So many pills and so many numbers to add to the phone. The macmillan nurse will contact us tomorrow and also the district nurse is coming to give Alan his injection. ( It was a blood clot in his leg so he needs injections for that) I think the nurse will probably want to teach me how to do it. Oh dear, im crying now as i write, i think im tired..

  • FormerMember

    omg you r such a brave person remember you also need me time . please get it muh love tracy xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Emily you are an inspiration to us all, I hope you and alan managed to get a restful night, please take care of yourself as tracey said you need me time too in the hope that it will make you stronger for alan.

    If you want to cry and write at the same time, feel free, I can't the words go all blurry, would end up writing rubbish! Hope today brings a good day.

    Take care

    love Jackie xxx

  • FormerMember

    you are doing a wonderful  job Emily - of being a wife and being a mum and puppy owner and artist and all the hundred and one things we need to do - please dont ever lose yourself in all those things.

    Cry if you must - never disallow yourself to do that - what is the alternative ? Bottle it all up and then it just becomes a dam. I hope today is a good one for you all . My thoughts often turn to you.

    Be well,

    Big hug - Lyn x

  • FormerMember

    I know having Alan home must be a bit of a double-edged sword.  It's so scary being responsible for another human being, never mind one so ill.  

    However, I know if I was Alan, I'd be so glad to be home, even if upsetting at times, just to be around you and the children.  It must do him good.

    It's awful he's vomiting his meds, and you having the worry of 'did he have them', but hopefully this will settle.  Perhaps regular small meals will get his tummy used to food again? It does sound like you need help though so you can get a break occassionally.  Isn't this something the Mac people can help with?  You need some quality time, on your own and with Alan, and that means proper support for you.  Please ask for help.

    As always, you have my unending admiration for the way you're coping, the way you're keeping all the plates spinning, and for the normality you're managing to bring to this situation without any trace of self-pity.

    Lots of love to you and yours, Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Emily,

    Your going through a rough patch both of you. Have a word with the Mac Nurse when she comes. She might be able to point you in the right direction, that might help ease the stress and the tiredness. Taking all those pills wont help Alan either. I take 30 pills a day and night. Try

    and work out a system that will work for you,as and when to take the pills. It will help.  Good luck and all the best.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx