David's cancer story

  • Day trip to Legoland


    I increased David's steriods upto 6mg, he stayed awake the whole day and we had a wonderful time.

    I borrowed my disabled sisters wheelchair so David didn't have to walk, though he still found it tiring watching the children running around.

    My other sister and her husband came with us, and she drove which was great as I didn't have to concentrate on driving and wasn't so tired and could relax and enjoy the day…

  • A little rant


    Just ignore this post. Just needed to get this out of my system.

    My sister came round on Wednesday evening and said that some of the people who we used to do Ten Pin bowling with have been asking after how David is, and suggested that he come up to the bowling alley to say hello.

    The league we bowled in start at 10pm at night, we have 3 young children who at the latest stay up till 9pm (except on new years eve). I would…

  • Update


    David is on 3mg, his headache is hardly noticeable (he tells me). He can manage the toilet on his own. His appetite is good too.

    To be honest, if you saw him you proberbly wouldn't think anything was wrong with him, until he gets up and has a little wobble to the toilet.

    He does get problems with short term memory and word recall, but his speech isn't slurrey.

  • Steriods


    During the consultation we discussed the use of steriods, as David feels better and has an appetite when taking them, but unless a consultant says he can take them he won't.

    The consultant said they don't like to leave patients on steriods because of the long term side effects of using them.

    The consultant agreed to keep David on them on a low dosage of 3mg per day.

    Following my phone conversation, I now have…

  • Consultant appointment


    On coming off the steriods the headache started to come back, not as intense as before, also David feels like he is floating around. He is able to take himself to the toilet still. But feels very tired and lost his appetiate.

    We had an outpatient appointment with the team that offered the radiotherapy, but they skirted around the whole issue of exactly what we needed to know. WHY? I have decided that they don't really…