A little rant

1 minute read time.

Just ignore this post. Just needed to get this out of my system.

My sister came round on Wednesday evening and said that some of the people who we used to do Ten Pin bowling with have been asking after how David is, and suggested that he come up to the bowling alley to say hello.

The league we bowled in start at 10pm at night, we have 3 young children who at the latest stay up till 9pm (except on new years eve). I would have to take them and David. Also David's walking is not very good, and he really struggles outside of the house. He would feel very uncomfortable, and the kids would play up because they would be very tired.

Why can't people think before they say things. She didn't have to ask about David going to the bowl, she should have thought about it and told them he was unable to do it.


I feel so drained and tired, I am losing patience with the children. I only have to do the weekly shopping for a couple of hours and I sleep for the afternoon. I have numerous blood test and there is nothing wrong - the GP told me I am normal!

How can sleeping every afternoon be normal???????

The kids were off school today because it is an inset day, and next week is Half term then the following Monday is ANOTHER inset day. Thats 11 days (including weekends) with the little monsters.

I can foresee that we will not make it, I have asked, begged, pleaded with them to be more co-operative and play nicely together, rather than keep arguing and fighting. I cannot be in the same room with them all the time I have other things I need to do such as housework and cooking. Not to mention running around after David!


Better go and try and finish getting the house tidy for tomorrow (family coming over for our daughters 10th birthday) and I have not been on top of things recently, much to David's annoyance - another side affect of the steriods he is more aware of what I am not doing never mind what I have been running around looking after him.

It amazes me how much crap comes through the door, and how quickly piles build up when you are not on top of sorting and binning the rubbish and filing the bills.


Rant over.

  • FormerMember

    Sue - You are always welcome and even encouraged to rant on this site!!!! That's what we're here for!!!

    I can't believe how insensitive your sister is to suggest that outing. I think that people just don't "get it"!

    It sounds like you are under enormous stress, and we all know that it's not going to get easier. Do you have any help or support for yourself?

    One of the world's great religions has a teaching that says: "Take care of the Carer, for without the Carer, all is lost." Please heed that advice, and ask for help. Do you have family or friends that can take the children sometimes, or who can stay with David and the Kids and let you get away from time to time?  Is there professional support that you can ask for?

    Sending you ((((((((((((BIG HUGS))))))))))).

    Love, Maureen

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sue,

    You need help. Have words with your Dr about getting

    an appointment with someone who can help. If you keep going the way your going you will make yoursef ill.,and that wont help anyone especially you.  

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    David is an only child, and both his mum and dad have passed away, a lot of his family live in either Wales or Scotland. They phone to see how he is and say "I wished I live closer". He has a cousin in Scotland who said I could put the children on a train and she would take care of them, but I'm not convinced that three unaccompanied children under 10 would still be on the train when it got to Scotland. Also I have always wanted to go to Scotland and don't see why they should go without me.

    My Mum has said about taking the children for sleepovers, but they need to do homework and she and my dad are not well themselves plus they look after my sister with cerabal palsey. I would rather she said she could come over and help, but we do the whole which day is good for you and then she says she has something on for each day.

    My other Sister and her husband both work, but are taking a day off during half term to help take the kids to Legoland, and my sister is driving. They have been quite supportive. It was just one comment that niggled me, and I needed to rant about it somewhere.

    I felt so much better after writing it out.

    I have a few friends at the school, and they are great but I don't like to keep burdening them, not that they mind. I invited them for a cup of tea, one brought along a cake and we ended up talking all day about absolutly nothing, but it seemed interesting at the time.

  • FormerMember


    Just re-read my reply post, and it sounds as if I am ranting now.

    It's not surposed to.

    We have a macmillan nurse from the community coming a week on Monday so we will see what they have to offer, it could be possible for David to do some days at their centre.

  • FormerMember

    Oh Sue - That would be such a big help for you - Hope you get some respite. And don't worry about ranting - It's good for you. And this is the best place to do it in. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX