David's cancer story

  • Battle of cerebellar metastasis

    After several phone calls by hospital staff, and a couple of further scans, he was transferred to St. George's hospital, for a craniotomy to remove the solitary cerebellar metastasis. He was in hospital for about a week. In December 2010 he had an MRI scan which showed he was clear, and didn't require radiotherapy as there were no signs of systemic disease.
    However the surgery has left him unstable on his feet…
  • The Headaches

    At the end of August, the bank holiday Monday, David was doing some DIY work and banged his head (quite hard), I didn't think anything of it, did the cold compress and checked for a bump - nothing and he said I was making a fuss about nothing. It turned out this was true, but he didn't know that at the time!
    On the Tuesday he came home with a bit of a headache, and took a couple of paracetamols. Over the next…
  • Diagnosis and Treatment of T3N0M1 adenocarcinoma OGJ

    When David went for the endoscopy, the nurse informed us that they had found something and had taken a biopsy, things moved very quickly following this and we had further tests and hospital visits and were informed that David had Oesophageal cancer. The biggest question we were asked by all the health professionals we met was how did we spot it as it was very early. This type of cancer is usually picked up in later stages…
  • In the Beginning

    On January 30th 2009 David and I went out for a meal at the Cap in Hand Pub for my birthday, during the meal he started to choke on his food - a couple of times, and couldn't finish it.
    He was off work with depression and had choked on his food a few times and felt nauseas in the mornings for the past few months, but had put it down to the stress/depression. But the meal was relaxed as it was during the afternoon…