
1 minute read time.

During the consultation we discussed the use of steriods, as David feels better and has an appetite when taking them, but unless a consultant says he can take them he won't.

The consultant said they don't like to leave patients on steriods because of the long term side effects of using them.

The consultant agreed to keep David on them on a low dosage of 3mg per day.

Following my phone conversation, I now have just one big question:


Surely life is for living, and if it means that the patient can manage for themselves and take part in family life they should be prescribbed steriods to a level suitable to do this. Rather than being a burdon on their families and left to suffer.

The doctors/consultants etc need to know that life does NOT grind to hult because one person is diagnosed with terminal cancer. The shopping doesn't get itself, the kids still need to be taken and collected from school, the dinner still needs to be cooked, Homework still needs to be done. After David has passed, we will still be here, we still need to carry on!

As David gets worse, I shall up his dose. I hope that the GP/pallative nurses will help with maintaining my supply of these vital little tablets without which I cannot live.

David won't take more than the amount the consultant said, even though I believe it means that we would be able to have a last few days out as a family.

What is the point of having such a powerful legal drug and NOT making the most of it ??????????????????


  • FormerMember

    Hi Sue,

    You Have asked the question. Now lets get an answer.

    Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.x

  • FormerMember

    Probably won't ever get an answer to the question.

    Apparently some patients can put on weight on steriods, if David does at least the doctors won't be able to complain to him for being under weight.

    So long as he doesn't put it all back on because then he will get told off for being obease again.

  • FormerMember

    Got an answer regarding the use of steriods.

    Apparently when you have been on 8mg of the Dex Steriods for a short while it can cause swelling of the face.

    Also the steriods can mask other problems, as you may not relise you have pain.

    That's why the consultants don't want patients on Dex steriods.

    Never mind Quality of Life.