Dad and Alex's Journey

  • Where had the sunshine gone?


    Can't believe a fortnight has gone by since my last post - the time is certainly flying by.

    We went on another coach trip last Tuesday to two lovely gardens on the Kent/Sussex border (a tulip festival) which Dad thoroughly enjoyed.  The weather was good to us again and the sun shone,  the second garden had a few gravel/hilly paths but I managed most of them pushing the wheelchair - Dad did have to get out on a couple…

  • Some good news - I think


    What another lovely sunny week - we've been so lucky and what with no aeroplanes the sky has been so very blue and it has been so very quiet & peaceful around here you forget how much background noise they make up there.

    Took Dad to St Georges with Mum on Monday to see the consultant and they said as he was doing so well they don't want to see him for another three months!  I think they agreed with his decision…

  • What a sunny week


    This week has been beautiful so I've tried to get Dad out and about a bit.

    On Thursday the Occupational Health lady came and sorted Dad out with all kinds of things that will make his life easier.  They are going to be delivered in a weeks time.  We then went to one of Mum & Dads neighbours and had tea & cake in the garden followed by a little picture show of one of the trips they all went.

    Friday we went…

  • Time is going by too quickly


    How come when you're told someone you love only has a short time to live the days go by s quickly! :(

    Dad has decided not to have the chemo and we are standing by that decision. We went to the Drs to discuss his low blood pressure (which had gone up slightly from last time) it was decided to keep Dad on all the medication he is on and not mess about with it as he is ok at the moment and each new medication seems…

  • Getting sorted


    A lot has been happening - Dad did try to go to the hut on his bike but only got to the end of the road and had to come back as he got out of breath.  Since then his breathing has got gradually worse and he only goes up the stairs to bed in the evening and down in the morning, we have now got a commode for when he is downstairs which he is finding a lot easier.  I call it the magic commode as he was constipated before we…