Some good news - I think

2 minute read time.

What another lovely sunny week - we've been so lucky and what with no aeroplanes the sky has been so very blue and it has been so very quiet & peaceful around here you forget how much background noise they make up there.

Took Dad to St Georges with Mum on Monday to see the consultant and they said as he was doing so well they don't want to see him for another three months!  I think they agreed with his decision not to go ahead with the chemo, as if he did he would become a patient again.  As you can imagine Dad was chuffed with this and couldn't wait to tell everyone!  Of course they said that if we needed to obviously we could go there at any time before this to see them if we had any concerns.  No x-ray this time which is good.

On Tuesday we went to Hever Castle on a coach trip with Dads horticultural society, it was a beautiful day and I managed to push him down the rather sloping path towards the castle thinking to myself how I would get him back up it again on the way home!!  Luckily the majority of the grounds/gardens are wheelchair friendly and we had quite a bit of fun up and down the many ramps that were there!  The day ended with a wonderful cream tea and I needn't of worried about the way back as I had many people willing to help push Dad back up!  I wondered how he would manage getting off and on the coach but he had seats at the front of the coach and managed very well.  Apart from Dad having a small nose bleed when we stopped for morning tea the day was great.

On Wednesday the sun continued to shine for us and we did the coffee for all Dads friends at the hut on the allotments and on the way home we went to Sainsburys to get some shopping.  My eldest son popped in to see Mum & Dad in the afternoon on the way back from an interview for a teaching degree at Uni.

Thursday I had a little break, went into the town to do some bits for Mum & Dad while they were taken for a drive in the country by a friend which they thoroughly enjoyed.

I took Dad to his fortnightly prayer group on Friday - I am so glad he has his faith as this is helping him no end at the moment.

I usually stay at home at the weekend but Dad had tooth ache all night so took him to the Hospital Dental ER where we had to wait for ages. In the end it turns out he has an abscess and was given antibiotics, now we have to find an NHS dentist so I can register Dad and get his tooth out. 

Today was my eldest sons 22nd birthday and we spent the day climbing through trees and whizzing down zip wires in the forest - really exhausted now so am off to bed early ready to re-charge myself for the week ahead with Dad!

  • FormerMember

    Phew - what a hectic week you've had. Sounds like it was a good one - long may it continue. Love to you all. Val X

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Val - It has been busy - keeps his mind of things a bit.  Managed to register him with a dentist so tooth out on Wednesday thank goodness. Take care of yourself xx

  • FormerMember

    Goodness gracious where do you get all that energy from it sounds like you all had a very happy week and it's always good to spend time in the sunshine cos it makes you feel better when it's warm.

    Just remember to look after yourself as well.

    All best wishes.

  • FormerMember

    Just read your post and I'm so sorry you're feeling so rotten really hope you feel a bit better soon - take it easy and look after yourself too.

    Big hugs xx