Time is going by too quickly

2 minute read time.

How come when you're told someone you love only has a short time to live the days go by s quickly! :(

Dad has decided not to have the chemo and we are standing by that decision. We went to the Drs to discuss his low blood pressure (which had gone up slightly from last time) it was decided to keep Dad on all the medication he is on and not mess about with it as he is ok at the moment and each new medication seems to interfere with what he is on already or has bad side effects.

We have now got the Blue Badge and my brother-in-law came from Oxford with disability aids that his Mum has used i.e. fold-up wheelchair, walker with seat, special cushions etc.

Last week I took Dad out and about seeing a few people he hadn't seen for ages - my Dad is an artist and sells cards with his paintings on etc in local shops so we visited his printer and a local shop to sort some cards out as I am helping him with it at the moment.  We also visited a friend in a similar position and he was showing Dad all the disability aids he had and they had a good chat!

We had a lovely Easter, Mum & Dad came over and we had a roast dinner - I cooked the lamb very slowly and luckily it was so tender Dada managed to eat everything on his plate and pudding!!

Yesterday Mum & I walked with Dad down to the river for a walk, he was embarrassed about being in the wheelchair for the first time but I think he enjoyed it - he got out and managed to walk while he pushed the wheelchair for a while before getting back in!  It was good practice for me as we are supposed to be going on a few day coach trips with the Horticutlural Society and I will be the main pusher!!

Every Wednesday I take him round to his Horticultural Society hut where we sit outside and have coffee with the other members which he loves and they are his other family and have been so kind. We went there today.

Tomorrow the Occupational Health lady is coming to assess him getting in and out of the bath for a shower and to see if they can provide anything to help - the District Nurse arranged this as she was worried when Dad explained what he had to do!

On Sunday we are going to take Mum and Dad to the Kent coast where are relatives live, my Auntie is having an open house for her family to come and see Dad which is lovely and he's looking forward to seeing them all.

The Hospice phoned today too and we are going on Monday so that a Dr can see him before he goes to the Breathing Clinic later in the month - I think we may look around too to put Dads mind at rest in case he needs to go in at any point.

Mum is off for her weeks treatment again next week so I will be at there house day and night for a week to help out as she gets tired and has to leave quite early in the morning.

All in all the time I'm spending with him is good at the moment - it is just going by much too quickly but I treasure every single day.

  • FormerMember

    You are building special memories right now and nothing will ever take those away from you. Enjoy every minute you can with your Dad.....love Carol x

  • FormerMember

    Hi there, have just read your blog and felt I had to send you a virtual hug xxxx

    My mum was diagnosed with nscl and given 6 months in May last year. She has had gencarbo and radio and is doing ok at moment but its been a bloody emtional nightmare. She is 65 next month.

    My father in law who is 85 is going to see the specialist today to get the results of his ct scan that he had last week (shadow on lung).

    I fully understand your father's decision to not have chemo, but at the same time understand how hard that decision probably was for everyone concerned.

    I hope that if my father in law is facing the same he decides not to take chemo. I look back to this time last year when my life was "normal' and wish to god things could go back. I can empasise with everything you say in your posts and if I can be of any support please please message me. Big hugs Jayne xx

  • FormerMember

    I'm glad you're able to have these good times with your dad.

    Hope the sun keeps shining for you and all your family. XX