Dad and Alex's Journey

  • Form filling and sleepless nights


    Went to Mum and Dads today - took Dad to Sainsburys to get a couple of bottles of wine (he wanted to get 6 but decided on 2 in case it doesn't taste like it should!), popped to Drs to get a repeat prescription of some of his tablets and then got on with filling in the Attendance Allowance form and tried filling in the Lasting Power of Attorney forms (there is so much paperwork to look through).

    Dad was saying how…

  • Today


    Today I handed in my notice at work - I only work part-time anyway - so that I can spend more time with Dad.  As my Mum has to go for her treatment for neuropathy every four weeks for a week Dad would be on his own and as we don't know how soon things are going to get worse we decided that this would be a good idea and give me a chance to spend some quality time with him too.

    We went to the oncology department, got…

  • Tomorrow


    Tomorrow I am taking my Mum and Dad back up to St Georges to the Oncology Dept to find out the results of my Dads biopsy and I am dreading it.

    Before Christmas Dad was having trouble breathing and a bad cough.  He had x-rays, scans, blood tests, a broncoscopy that wasn't very successful. Eventually my husband took him up to St Georges where he had his pleural effusion drained (2.5. litres) - he was so much better after…