What a sunny week

4 minute read time.

This week has been beautiful so I've tried to get Dad out and about a bit.

On Thursday the Occupational Health lady came and sorted Dad out with all kinds of things that will make his life easier.  They are going to be delivered in a weeks time.  We then went to one of Mum & Dads neighbours and had tea & cake in the garden followed by a little picture show of one of the trips they all went.

Friday we went to Bushy Park and had a lovely walk around with me pushing Dad in his wheelchair which he thoroughly enjoyed, the flowers were beautiful and it was a really nice day.

On Sunday we drove Mum & Dad down to Dover to see my Auntie, when we got there her whole family was there and Dad was over the moon to see them all, four generations together.  We had a lovely tea party and I think Dad might've eaten too much but its nice to see him enjoying his food at the moment.

I stayed over and will be staying at Mum & Dads this week as its time for Mum to go and have her treatment again - comes around very quickly!

On Monday I took Dad to see the Dr & nurse at the Hospice so that he can go on the breathlessness course that they run there at the end of the month.  When we got there someone he new was volunteering on the reception and one of my friends sisters was there - turns out she's a Staff Nurse!  Anyway it was such a wonderful place, so bright and airy it made you feel that it was a hotel not a hospice!  The people were all so nice and showed us around.  Afterwards we went for a walk around the garden with Dad using his walker so that he could sit down every now and then, and then had a cup of tea in their cafe.  Dad  said that there was a lovely feeling there, very peaceful and light.  I don't know what we were imagining but it was nothing like that.  We went on to a nearby garden centre - looked around and had some lunch.

On Tuesday I took Dad to Sainsburys and with the Blue Badge managed to park right next to the trolleys so thats a stroke of luck!  He decided to buy a lottery ticket for Wednesday but when I turned round discovered he'd bought a fivers worth - I promised not to tell Mum!!

Wednesday we went and made coffee at his allotments again - dull old morning but he enjoyed himself chatting to his friends.  I managed to go out with an old friend who lost her Mum to cancer three years ago in the evening and that was nice.

Thursday was a lovely sunny day and we had to stay at home as we were waiting in for some deliveries and the occupational health stuff to be delivered.  As it was so nice I got Dad doing a little bit of potting up, putting seeds in etc at the garden table for an hour or so and he loved it.  The disability stuff turned up and the man fixed the rails on - one in the bathroom in the bath next to where Dad has a shower and one on the rail on the corner of the stairs.  He also brought two different things for Dad to try in the bath, a thing for the bed so Dad can lever himself out easier and a perching stool - so he is all set up.  I also ordered a v-shaped pillow which came too.  In the afternoon we walked round to the local shop and back with the walker and Dad stopped a few times but not as many times as I wanted him too!  In the evening we went to his Horticultural Societys AGM where Dad was presented with a bottle of wine for being on the Committee for over 10 years (he has decided to resign now) and a certificate making him an Honorary Member which he was so chuffed with he made a little speech and became a bit emotional but it was a nice evening and I was very proud of him.  As he was off to bed he had a big nosebleed which made him panic - he has always had the occasional one.  I was awake most of the night listening out for him - I don't think he slept much at all.

My sister unexpectedly drove down from Norwich to see Dad unfortunately because of his lack of sleep the night before he slept a lot in the day time. I managed to have a walk down to the town to look around and pick up some things for Mum and Dad. Tried to sort some medicine out at the chemist,  Dad is finding it difficult to swallow his vitamin capsules so I'm getting some sachets that you mix with water, also the capsules he takes for softening (if you know what I mean!) so they said there is a liquid form of that too so will pick them up on Monday.  Left the chemist with a big bag of Movacol sachets so that should keep him in business for a while (sorry couldn't help it!).  

I've had a lovely weekend with Tim & the boys and feel re-charged ready for another week caring for my wonderful Dad.  Off to St Georges to see the consultant again tomorrow.



  • FormerMember

    Glad to hear you've been enjoying the sunny weather and doing so much with your Dad. You don't mention a stairlift in your news - is he still managing without one?

    Thinking of you all Val X

  • FormerMember

    Hi Val,  No at the moment he has a commode downstairs and only comes down once in the morning and then goes up, very slowly, at night.  Hope you are ok x