Coping with both parents gone.

  • She's Gone


    Mam passed away early on Monday morning. My sister and I were with her. Dad had just left the room when she passed.

    He looks so lost without her. Hopefully soon they'll be together again.

  • Saturday


    Another day we thought she wouldn't see. Today is one of her grandchildren's birthday and normally she would of rung to say Happy Birthday. He did see her on Friday and told her if she needed to go he understood. She didn't need to go and is still with us.

    Dad had a bad day yesterday. he kept losing his balance when he stood up and getting confused about stuff. He went out in the cold with no coat on and…

  • Friday


    Got a phone call from my sister to say come straight away because Mam was getting distressed. Nurses came and said she wasn't distressed and didn't want to give her any drugs. My other sister's said that we had been there all the time and that she needed something to help her settle because she was stressed. One of the nurses then decided to give her something, the other (older) nurse was not happy with this but they…

  • Thursday


    The last two days have been really horrible. Mam has been unresponsive since the early hours of yesterday morning. Everyone has been to see her in the hope that it will help her go. She is still hanging on. She hasn't eaten or drunk in this time. Everyone is still talking to her and holding her hand, but I can't. It brakes my heart watching her struggle to breath. I want to be like everyone else but I just can't bring…

  • Dad and Mam


    Seven weeks ago dad was admitted to hospital with what we thought was a stroke. By the Monday we were told he has lung cancer that had spread to his brain. The following Wednesday mam was admitted to hospital after we couldn't wake her after having 15 hours sleep. She was diagnosed with a chest infection and spent the next two weeks in hospital. 

    Think that week was the worst week of my life, not only did they ask…