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The last two days have been really horrible. Mam has been unresponsive since the early hours of yesterday morning. Everyone has been to see her in the hope that it will help her go. She is still hanging on. She hasn't eaten or drunk in this time. Everyone is still talking to her and holding her hand, but I can't. It brakes my heart watching her struggle to breath. I want to be like everyone else but I just can't bring myself to do it. I hope she knows how much I love her.

Up until yesterday I could go home and pretend like everything was normal, but now that things are coming to an end it's really scary. Dad will probably give up after this as he has no reason to stay.

  • FormerMember

    Hello, like most conversations on this site they always seem to start with Im so so sorry for your pain and agony that you are dealing with, I have no doubt that your mum is hanging on for something or someone and the best that you can do right now is sit with her and say everything you have always wanted to say, tell her how much you love her and all the things that she has taught you and how you have used her knowledge to empower your children , she is their legacy in a strange kinda way, If your finding it hard to say those words then read to her from her favorite book prob the same way she would read to you as a child when u were poorly xx

    As selfish as it sounds try to deal with your emotions and feelings first, and be there for your dad when and only when your feel you are able to do so because if your force yourself before your ready u will drop like a stone and be mentally and physcally unble to support anyone.

    one day at a time one emotion at a time and slowly before you realise its happened u have dealt with a situation you never thought possible, trust in your self and beleive in yourself at how strong u really are and be proud of u xxxx

    if u ever need to off load chill out or just vent please contact me I can send u my number xx

  • FormerMember

    Just to say I have read your post and you have been heard and listened to. This is a very difficult time, as I am well aware. I don't really have any good advice as I am new here.

    Please try to gain some composure to spend time with your mother. I am so very sure you will be glad you did.

  • FormerMember

    Hi there,

    Watching someone you care about fading away is one of the most difficult things anyone will have to do.

    Don't beat yourself up because you can't do as others do to comfort your Mum, we are all different, but Angel has given some good advice and it may be worth a try if you feel you can do it.

    I am sure that your Mum knows how much you love her; this knowledge doesn't come from a certain moment but from a lifetime's experience.

    Good luck,

    Colin xxx