Coping with both parents gone.

  • One Year


    Yesterday was my first mother's day without my Mam. I went to the crem to take some flowers and cried all the way home. It was hard but I survived.

    Tommorow is one year since she passed away. Again I will be going to the crem with more flowers. In 25 days I will be back there again. This time to take flowers for my Dad who also passed away one year ago.

    The past few days have been up and down. Getting on with things…

  • 6 months


    Six months today since mam passed. next week would of been her birthday and in 24 days its six months for dad passing.

    I thought i was doing ok, but last night driving home from work it hit me that I would never be going to their house ever again. I drive passed their street every day on the way to work or school but not actually seeing the house. I don't know what made me think about it that day but it was really hard…

  • Getting on with things


    It's nearly three months since mum and dad passed away and i was getting on with things. Going to work and doing every day stuff. I still think about them constantly and wake up crying from dreams I've had of them, but I thought I was doing well.

    Then a new boss took over at work and now I can't face going there. Nothing anyone does is good enough and sometimes he talks to you like you've been summoned to the…

  • Not sure how I feel


    It's eleven weeks today since Mam passed away and seven weeks this Thursday for Dad. Sometimes I feel ok and other times i cry at the smallest of things. The other day I started to get upset over a straw because in his last few weeks dad had to drink through a straw.

    Today is my son's birthday and I got teary over the fact that he'll never get a card off them again. Mam used to ring everyone on their birthday to…

  • Last Day at Parents Home


    Tomorrow is probably the last day I will go to the house I grew up in. The local hospice charity shop are coming to look at the remaining furniture to see if they can take it and then we hand the keys back in.

    All of the personal stuff has been sorted. I went in over the weekend to move some more stuff and it was horrible seeing my family home like that.

    I'm also going back to work this week, only part time to start…