6 months

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Six months today since mam passed. next week would of been her birthday and in 24 days its six months for dad passing.

I thought i was doing ok, but last night driving home from work it hit me that I would never be going to their house ever again. I drive passed their street every day on the way to work or school but not actually seeing the house. I don't know what made me think about it that day but it was really hard. I don't want to think of other people living there. It's the house that we all grew up in.

My sisters and I are getting together at the weekend to celebrate mams birthday, The first time we've all been together since dad's funeral. It will also be one of the last because my youngest sister is moving to Australia in the next couple of weeks.

it's hard to think that we used to be a family of six and are now half that.
