Pregnancy and cancer support from the Online Community

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Pregnancy and cancer support from the Online Community

A cancer diagnosis is upsetting. If you’re pregnant when diagnosed with cancer it can be even more frightening and confusing. You might feel you need additional support as you receive your cancer diagnosis, navigate treatment options and cancer treatment. The Community is here to support you, in addition to a wide range of help available from Macmillan and other support providers. 

Members of the Community might also be supporting a loved one with cancer at the same time as going through a pregnancy. Or perhaps you are coping with your own cancer diagnosis at the same time as your partner is pregnant. Whatever your situation with cancer and pregnancy, you might benefit from additional support as you go through this difficult time. 

The Community is here for you as a virtual cancer support group which you can access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Whatever you might be going through, the Community can help you feel much less alone.

In today’s Community News Blog we will share experiences from the Community and link to cancer information and support services around cancer and pregnancy.

Pregnancy and cancer

When you’re pregnant and have been diagnosed with cancer, it can be an even bigger shock. It can be hard to accept that you could be pregnant and have cancer at the same time. You might feel like you're the only person this has ever happened to. It was a big shock for this Community member when they were diagnosed with breast cancer early in their second trimester of pregnancy.

"I was diagnosed with triple negative Grade 3 Stage 2 breast cancer in April at 15 weeks pregnant. I thought I was dreaming (well, having a nightmare when they first told me). It was an out of body experience.” Community member, breast cancer forum

Regardless of the type of cancer you have been diagnosed with, it can be helpful to be able to connect with people who understand what you're going through.

"I recently got diagnosed with AML through routine bloods taken during pregnancy. I have been told I can start treatment while pregnant but while my bloods are currently low but fairly stable they are leaving treatment until I reach at least 26 weeks pregnant. Is there anyone else who has been in this situation and it’s all worked out ok?" Community member, acute myeloid leukaemia forum 

By joining the Community, you can link up with others in similar circumstances. If you'd like to read the full conversations, you can click on the link at the end of each quote. 

Being diagnosed with cancer whilst pregnant is rare. According to Macmillan's website, breast cancer, cervical cancer, melanoma, lymphoma and acute leukaemia are some of the most common types of cancer diagnosed during pregnancy.

"I have just been diagnosed with breast cancer. I am in my 30s and second trimester of pregnancy. I am so scared that the treatment is going to harm my baby but know I have to have it for sake of my 22m son. Due to pregnancy I will need a mastectomy and cannot have reconstruction for so long after. Has anyone else been in this situation? How do you deal with the anxiety?" Community member, breast cancer forum

As it's rare to be diagnosed with cancer during pregnancy, you might not immediately link up with someone in exactly the same situation as you are. Community members are still here to virtually hold your hand through the most difficult times, as this member describes.

"...your situation is quite unusual and I don't think many of us have a shared experience of this. However, anytime you need to talk things over, we are here to listen( virtually!) We can certainly empathise with your fears of the unknown. Almost everyone who posts here has found themselves in need of support in whatever circumstances they were diagnosed. Most of us have found that only someone who has been diagnosed , can truly understand how the mind goes around and around in circles at this time." Community member, breast cancer forum

If you click on the link to this conversation in the breast cancer forum above, you'll see that members with relevant experience joined the conversation and were able to offer support. If you are also coping with cancer and pregnancy, you can join the conversation there, or start your own post asking for support. 

Going through any kind of cancer scare when you're pregnant can also be really stressful. A member recently posted on the Community with some concerns about cervical cancer after experiencing some unusual symptoms during pregnancy. 

"I am currently just over 15 weeks pregnant and due to being anxious and experiencing a previous miscarriage, I popped into my local A&E for my complaint of lower back ache and recent increased orange vaginal discharge." Community member, cervical cancer forum

Another member posted for support when they presented with a suspected melanoma in their final trimester of pregnancy.

"I am 32 weeks pregnant and showed my weird mole last Friday to a dermatologist. I have a suspected melanoma on the calf… I am on a roller coaster from 'this will be fine' to 'I can’t leave my new born and 4 yo alone because of a cancer' this is a nightmare and my pregnancy hormones are definitely not helping with coping… trying to stay away from Google but this is a challenge to manage uncertainty. Hopefully we know fast and this is not too advance" Community member, melanoma forum

It's important to remember that it is rare to be diagnosed with cancer whilst pregnant. It's difficult not to worry when you have to go for additional tests, but we'd always advise staying away from Google. Don't be afraid of asking questions to your healthcare professionals and reaching out for further support when it's difficult to cope. If you need to talk to someone anonymously about your fears, the Community is here for you. 

When you’re pregnant and supporting a family member with cancer

Life can be really tough when you're a carer, or dealing with a loved one's cancer diagnosis. It can be even tougher when you're going through pregnancy at the same time. 

"I'm caring for my Dad who is 62 and has ureter cancer which has spread to his kidney, liver, lung and spine...I work 3 days a week, am 35 weeks pregnant and have a 2 year old so I can't go to the hospital every day. I am so worried I'm letting him down and that he is lonely but scared to bring him home as he gets so many infections and his pain seems so hard to manage. Anyway, just looking for a bit of support from those who understand. It's all getting a bit overwhelming." Community member, bladder cancer forum

It's understandable you would feel overwhelmed when you have so many people to care for and you're close to giving birth. I hope you were able to find some comfort and support from the Community. Our carers only forum is a dedicated space for anyone caring for a loved one to find support with anything they might be going through.

When you've been diagnosed and your partner or spouse is pregnant

"Just diagnosed...All that I can live with I suppose, other than the fact that my wife is 12 weeks pregnant. I’m terribly worried for her in all this. She’s so brave but I am see it in her face how hard this is." Community member, stomach cancer forum

The Community is here for whatever you might be going through. Don't worry if you're not sure quite what you need from the Community, sometimes it can help just to share your feelings.

What other support is available for me?

Macmillan has lots of information and support around cancer and pregnancy here.

We have information about treatment you may have, and how to cope with the emotional and practical issues you may experience. This includes tips around managing cancer symptoms and side effects of treatment. 

If you need to talk, or would like further support,  we'd encourage you to give our Support Line a call.  Our Support Line teams are available 7 days a week, 8am-8pm on freephone 0808 808 00 00, email or live webchat.

Your healthcare team will be the best people to ask about your treatment plan. Macmillan can help when you need further emotional, practical and financial support.

Mummy’s Star are a UK registered charity who specialise in cancer support in and around pregnancy, birth, loss and beyond.

If you’ve been affected by any of the issues in this blog,  I hope you've found the Community a supportive place to be. All groups are safe and supportive places to access peer support when you feel you need it. If you need a place to talk about how you’re coping and ask questions, start a discussion to connect with others. 

If you have any questions or would like to offer any feedback about this blog, please do use the comments section below. We'll get back to you as soon as we can. You can also contact the team by email at or send a PM to .
