Catching up with the Liver Cancer Forums for Liver Cancer Awareness Month

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Catching up with the Liver Cancer Forums for Liver Cancer Awareness Month

October is Liver Cancer Awareness Month. In this Community News Blog we will be catching up with the liver cancer forum and the secondary liver cancer forum on the Community to see what support has been shared during the run up to the month.

The liver cancer forum and the secondary liver cancer forums are friendly online support groups for anyone with liver cancer, or for anyone supporting a loved one with liver cancer.

Both forums are places where you can share your thoughts, worries and anything else you might be going through with people who have been there themselves.

Support on diagnosis

If you or your loved one has recently been diagnosed with liver cancer, it can be comforting to be able to speak to people in similar circumstances.

When a diagnosis and hospital visits are new and confusing, you might feel powerless or overwhelmed. Members who have been treading a similar path can offer a virtual hand to help you take back some control.

Family and friends can also post in the forum for support.

It can be comforting to know that the Online Community is here 24/7 for any questions you have, or just to have a chat with someone who understands.

Your situation may be a little different to others in the Community. The forums are safe spaces for everyone to find support, whatever you might be going through.

Support with treatment 

When Community members share their experiences through liver cancer treatment, others may feel much less alone. 

You can find out what to expect from people who have been through it themselves. Later, there might be tips you can share to make treatment more comfortable and less daunting for others.

It's important to remember, that whilst members can support you, we can't offer medical advice here on the Community. It's best to use the forums alongside professional advice from your team, from Macmillan and other trusted organisations.

Looking for hope?

It can be hard to stay positive when you're going through difficult times, but our members are here by your side.

When you're looking for hope, it can be comforting to read positive outcomes.

If you'd like to read more of these conversations, you can find them by clicking on the link in green following each quote.

Find our liver cancer forum here and our secondary liver cancer forum here. 

If you're supporting a loved one with liver cancer, you can also find support from our family and friends forum in the Community. We also have a dedicated space for carers only, a safe and supportive space for caregivers to share their worries and emotions.

For further support, questions or just to talk things through, please do reach out to our Support Line. Our Support Line teams are available 7 days a week, 8am-8pm on freephone 0808 808 00 00, email or live webchat.

Looking for further information from Macmillan about liver cancer?

Find our Liver Cancer Awareness page here and link to further resources.

We hope you've found this blog helpful in outlining the support available to people affected by liver cancer from the Online Community, in addition to linking you to other useful resources from Macmillan and other organisations.

We'd welcome your comments and feedback in the comments section below, or you can contact the Community team privately by email at

We'd also love to hear from you if there's a subject you'd like to see in a future Community News Blog.  
