clarebearx2's blog

  • One year on.........


    ...can't believe a year has passed since Dad had his initial diagnosis of AML!!

    This time last year we were in a place of disbelief and confusion, as dad went from healthy, no cares in the sitting in a hospital bed awaiting his first cycle of chemotherapy.

    I am very happy to report that Dad continues to be in remission...and not only that, but he is going from strength to strength.  He and my mother have…

  • Update on dad!

    Hi All! Hope everyone is enjoying the 'lovely' summer weather - NOT (It's lashing down here at the mo!) Just thought I'd pop a quick update on here on Dad's condition as I've not posted anything on my blog for a while... Well, the news is GOOD, I'm so pleased to say. A couple of weeks ago dad had his first blood test 6 weeks after going into remission, so as you can imagine he was rather anxious about that, as we…
  • Thanx...and family day!

    First of all I want to say a BIG thank you to everyone who sent such kind messages on the news that my dad is now in remission..I have been very touched by peoples kind thoughts, so thank you very much! Dad is still doing very well. Yesterday we had a lovely family day together - both my brother and I and respective partners and children went over to wear him out for the day! The sun truly was shining and we spent a…
  • THE best birthday present!!

    Today dad had the best birthday present possible....he is now 'officially' in remission!!!! It was the best news for us all ever and we all found it quite an emotional event...such a HUGE boost after the last couple of months. The doctor said he is very pleased with how well dad has responded to the treatment. The doctors in Cambridge reported that they still feel a bone marrow transplant would be a good route to go…
  • Happy Birthday, Dad!

    Dad's birthday took the children over to visit him - and tire him out! Amy had been briefed beforehand NOT to tell grandad what was in his present before he opened as he took it out of the bag she whispered 'its gardening gloves, grandad'!!! Dad was in good spirits although he does find that he tires quickly so has a couple of naps a day as needed. He has realised that 'pushing on' does him no good…