Cancer is just a WORD I am ME

  • Oncologists


    OK rant time !

    My father is 82 he has just been given the all clear from leukaemia after having chemotherapy, only to be told on his xray they saw a lump on his lung so investigations were done he has lung cancer this lump is 1 mm in size at top of the right lung and he has no pain no symptoms.

    But he was sent to a different hospital, we went as Dad was scared. He didn't was surgery he hates hospital all his life…

  • bill & more


    How an earth am I to concentrate on healing when everyday more and more bills come through the door. I do not know how we are to manage without the car we scrapped last month because coulnt afford to repair it 

     Going from two incomes to one has been very hard the savings are now gone we have not even taxed or moted the bike yet first time in history this has happened. Anyways we have tried to keep life as normal as possible…

  • birthdays and special times


    How many days to my birthday  3 and I have cards up already my mate called today and said why have you got cards up before your birthday I said because I can because my daddy said open it  So I did and he gave me money to spend on Ashna He called to say Now darling you must promise this money is for YOU not the house not food not other stuff BUT for you ! yes daddy I said like a little girl my dad is 83 How could he afford…

  • Damp or condensation


    What a to do ! I dont know my rights now I live in the private sector.  I have water running down the bedroom walls the landlady brings her fella round and he blames it on my calor gas fire and my condensor dryer which are in the lounge and kitchen them being in the same room.

    but downstairs is dry no issues at all but my bedroom got wet  with all the rain and one wall in the corner turned black and effected the wardrobe…

  • Phew


    I guess I ought paint the real picture of who I am and why I am here plus why I have called my blog by this name.

    As I said in my profile I am a proud mother of 4 grown up children and a nana wytch to 11 grand children. I dont knit shreddies do NOT have any grey hair in fact I now have some longer hair but very thin and fine at the back why its so thin I dont know.


    in 2008 I went the dentist for a check up because…