Damp or condensation

3 minute read time.

What a to do ! I dont know my rights now I live in the private sector.  I have water running down the bedroom walls the landlady brings her fella round and he blames it on my calor gas fire and my condensor dryer which are in the lounge and kitchen them being in the same room.

but downstairs is dry no issues at all but my bedroom got wet  with all the rain and one wall in the corner turned black and effected the wardrobe and the draws making everything smell and feel damp.

we moved things about to put clothing in the dry areas of the room but now inside the wardrobe our biker leathers are going mouldy and clothes smell musty.

the man kept on saying it was condensation running down the walls but we know there is a leak in the roof. I told him I cannot sleep in a wet room and that all my stuff is getting ruined I had had to get rid of picture frames I rescued childrens pictures and saved my certificates He kept on saying stuff I was becoming so angry I wanted punch him I told him I am ill and cannot become worse I have infections already which need treatment.

I was so angry I had to ,leave the room and leave my husband with them  because I cannot  sleep in there and need move my bed downstairs at this rate and watch all my very precious belongings go mouldy so that they have to be thrown away I do not want my stuiff to smell or to be musky I want a dry bedroom to sleep in ..

I started to unpack my shopping leave them to it as I know that I when angry can be very proffesionally  accurate  with what I plan to do ..

I was downstairs and the landlady came down and said to me I will go get a ladder so we can look in the roof she said I know you cannot sleep in a room as wet as that I will bring a deumidifier  round which she did and the guy needed a bigger ladder so this man got left in the house alone with me  I ignored him because I was so annoyed at his assumptions  about it being our fire and the fact I refuse to open windows in zero tempreture suddenly this man spoke to me  saying he was sorry to upset me and he agreed I cannot sleep in such a room. then he climbed up inside the loft and agreed he could see light in several places so he would get a builder come check the roof. in the meantime use the deumidifier and open windows when not in 

NOW  lets look at his suggestions  its 0 tempreture outside so if I open the two rotten windows the wood lice come in and start eating the bathroom  Its hard to open these windows because they are a hundred years old if not more they are so rotten I have mushrooms growing in the wood of the windows..

She said she would talk to her son who is a builder and when he next has the big ladders out she will get him to check the roof.

then they left ...

So maybe they will do something now this is the third time they have come round..

I like the house its on the heritage side of main street and so they are not allowed to out in double glazing unless the windows are sash windows she has had the joiner round who measured windows and is having to make them so that is an on going event as to When..

I have a huge fear of crawling creatures like bugs that eat your house away. they get everywhere and I hate them yesterday I had the windows open and when I came back crawly things were  running around

council say I am entitled to a one bed bunglow after I am 55 which is in 3 weeks BUT  the issue with that is I want to stay in Haworth because of family and friends and medical treatments and things like well I was born here and wanted to die here as well I dont want to live anywhere else which is why I am here ..

If I can get a council place in Haworth  that would be good 

I am so fed up of being  like this but I am alive and have people to love and support me and good medical care. So in reality  I am well cared for  so I ought not feel bed or angry I ought be happy and mostly I am

