bill & more

2 minute read time.

How an earth am I to concentrate on healing when everyday more and more bills come through the door. I do not know how we are to manage without the car we scrapped last month because coulnt afford to repair it 

 Going from two incomes to one has been very hard the savings are now gone we have not even taxed or moted the bike yet first time in history this has happened. Anyways we have tried to keep life as normal as possible by taki ng part in village events last sunday I was the ice goddess. Hope can upload a picture well I will see myself in the paper tomoz not once but twice once as ice goddess and once as a viking.

But I was not impressed by the photographer he came late which annoyed my husband whilst I always give room for traffic he sees that as being rude. Then it was dark and then he had no flash so outside was not an option so we ended up in mates kitchen squashed by a lamp. He then asked me to kneel and looked shocked when I said no way us that happening he asked my husband  who then had to try look up with his head facing thd floor in full chainmail and speckled helmet. This guy was such a crap photographer. No flash no manners 


Just hope the pictures come out well they are for promoting the group. We need to promote well guess we will know tomoz. As to health we found out my medication is not working so has to be redone tomoz. Anyway have a pile of stuff to try get sorted outbefore tomoz as need drop stuff off pist stuff and get myself organised for my family  my birthday was last sunday and I had to remind them it was sunday I had to chase them up on facebook and then pretend I was not hurt that they all forgot.

I was hurt inside mother in laws card it said thanks fof her present where was mine or even a phone call

But hey no so my husband took me out to a brewery and we drank real ale it was fun becausd tourists stuck ghdrd noses at the wibdow so I waved at ghem the nxt time I stuck my tongue out . It was nice to go out not think about being ill not even talk aboug anything connected I miss that.

I also miss my children talking to md they dont know what yo say so theystay quiet. I Miss the silly times the snugglyvtimes the jst them times the girly times but I get yo spend xmas with my youngest daughter and morga  and jarod. Then boxing day with my other daughter and grandchildren will be nice as long as nuck dont get drunk


  • FormerMember

    Hi Ashna,

    It sounds like you have a lot to deal with at the moment, and clearly the last thing you should be worrying about right now is how you're going to pay the bills. 

    Macmillan has a few services which may be of use to you - including a team of benefits advisers who can talk you through your situation and let you know if there are any benefits you might be able to claim.

    We also have a team of financial guides who will be able to talk to you more generally about your financial situation and help you understand how you can make things easier.

    There is some information about the financial guides and benefits teams over on the main part of the website which I hope you'll find helpful.

    If you prefer you can talk to either team by giving our Supportline a call - the number's 0808 808 0000. It's free to call and open weekdays 9am - 8pm.  

    Hope this helps,
