
2 minute read time.

OK rant time !

My father is 82 he has just been given the all clear from leukaemia after having chemotherapy, only to be told on his xray they saw a lump on his lung so investigations were done he has lung cancer this lump is 1 mm in size at top of the right lung and he has no pain no symptoms.

But he was sent to a different hospital, we went as Dad was scared. He didn't was surgery he hates hospital all his life he has escaped illness and been a fit person never really had time off from work. I never ever seen him unwell until he started having chemotherapy. Leukaemia runs in our family, or a type of it does its a blood decease we seem to carry, it can mimic leukaemia very well then actually turns into it later on.

I lost babies because of my blood cells eating each other.

Well we went into see this consultant Oncologist, now l gho St James  in Leeds and l attend the Nova health care clinic there and go to a couple of the other clinics and have stayed on the wards

I expected my father to be treated with respect, dignity courtesy and at least polite care and concern

I was so shocked, we were led into a scruffy bland room the man said sit down, Jimmy you do know that you have cancer don't you well l have to remove most of your lung and to be honest most people who have the op likje this at your age die.

So l will give you paperwork to read and as you are not getting pain you can read it and let me know your decision  once you have signed the forms.

I stopped him right there, l said excuse me but l think l want to see my dads scans, show me this tumour, what were the results of the needle biopsy he had done last week? What type of tumour is it ? Where is it exactly upper right lower right front back in chest wall under arm effecting lymph nodes what ?

He said well young lady that is not your concern, your father is the patient and not you and so l cannot discuss his treatment nor decease with you.

My dad was in tears as he is terrified of surgery.

I said OK thanks for your time but we want a second opinion we are going back to Christie's.

  • FormerMember

    Good for you. , Questions should be answered before an informed decision can be made. Ask your father before your next appointment if you can ask questions for him then they cannot shut you down.

    Good luck