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  • week 5 chemo


    just got back from my fifth and penultimate chemo.  i suffered horrendously after the last one and the doc couldnt say it wont happen this time but i now own a small pharmacy with detailed instructions for all the 'if this happens..' scenarios.

    was booked in at 9.15 and as i had bloodtest tues the chemo was signed off hold so it would be all go go go.... actually it was all no no no.  the herceptin had been held…

  • the fear is more painful than the deed - mostly!


    Theres one thing i hate - well theres quite a few things, but the number one thing is blood tests.  Only my left hand side allowed for the blood letting and i have one vein thats ok (in my hand) and another that plays ball very occasionally.

    BUT i am a grown-up and so off i go taking a book as the waiting time can be horrendous.  'shall i come in?' asks hubby who doesnt understand my hatred of phlebotomy!  HA no…

  • what to eat? help please


    Help please,

    from what i've read and by my experience, food is a non event but i just wondered what everyone else finds tasty or at least bearable.  my list is virtually empty and with the brain drain i cant think clearly.

    i only have an appetite for one week in 3 so would like to enjoy a meal or two in that time - is this possible?



  • today is a new day


    so today I have plans!  yes I actually have plans....

    since my last chemo i have been inactive, firstly through being so physically ill and then through being so down.  but today I am going to a little cafe with my hubby and brother in law to have some breakfast (goodness knows what when everything tastes so strange) then i am going to visit with a couple of friends later, one of whom is housebound after breaking her hip…

  • Day one blog


    So here I am, quite a way through my war with cancer, admitting that its not a breeze.

    Everyone around me says how well I am doing, how amazing i am.... really?  When i do or think anything related to 'my condition' i cry buckets!!!  This upsets my hubby so I do it in private mostly.

    when I shower I weep for my lost breast, when my arm aches I get angry that cancer stole my lymph nodes! and then last week, feeling…