what to eat? help please

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Help please,

from what i've read and by my experience, food is a non event but i just wondered what everyone else finds tasty or at least bearable.  my list is virtually empty and with the brain drain i cant think clearly.

i only have an appetite for one week in 3 so would like to enjoy a meal or two in that time - is this possible?



  • FormerMember
    Hi K I think everyone is slightly different, I went through a series of impulses (my wife likened it to morning sickness) so I had passions for curry, beet root, peanut butter, Belgian buns....etc and whatever. Although some of these only lasted a few days and then soemtimes I couldn't face what I had previously craved. I know there is lots of advice about healthy eating etc etc. (quite right too) but, personally, I feel in this situation just grab whatever takes your fancy, almost any nourishment is better than nowt. I took to prowling round sainsburys and living off pure mpulse buys, much more fun than planning meals. Good luck with all!
  • FormerMember

    Hi K,i found while on chemo every thing tasted weird ,except peppermints certain sweets and cakes,it gets better .had to drink warm milk or anything like that .try eating smaller portions ,my husband trys to temp my taste buds but since having my big bowel removed only eating little and often.hope this helps good luck

  • FormerMember

    thanks Bob and carol

    just had a weekend of peanut butter, philly cheese and cake washed down with milkshake.  just feels wrong but youre right its what i could tolerate.

    might prowl round supermarket today - impulse shopping

    all the best, K

  • FormerMember

    Hi Karen,


    I often find chemotherapy wipes my appetite too, and when this happens I find cereals very helpful for those. I bring in cereals I really like from home if I am in hospital and the nurses or my mum help me. I also find myself craving things like doritos and cola when I have an apetite. 


    I agree with bob when he mentions curry, I crave it all the time! The trick I use is I sit and imagine lots of different foods I know I like and if I can think of a certain food and it doesn't make me feel ill I do everything I can to get that food that day to satisfy the craving, I know it sound weird but it helps. Also I don;t know if it is helpful, but I find if I watch cookery programs when I don't have an appetite I begin to start to feel hungry. This could just be me though.


    If there is a food you love just go for it, treatment takes so much away from you, and good food can be one of the only things you can hold on to. If you like it, scoff it down :D




  • FormerMember

    thanks RedHare

    I have just started to watch the cookery programmes, esp Great British Bakeoff, but it just makes me want tto get into kitchen to cook not eat.  i will watch some with eating in mind maybe - Lorraine Pascals Fresh and .... cooking prog is interesting!

    I have lived the last 10 years of my life avoiding processed foods and fizzy drinks but it is those very things I find myself wanting, youre probably right - nows not the time to stick to healthy eating as any eating is a bonus.

    heres to scoffing :) cheers!