the fear is more painful than the deed - mostly!

Less than one minute read time.

Theres one thing i hate - well theres quite a few things, but the number one thing is blood tests.  Only my left hand side allowed for the blood letting and i have one vein thats ok (in my hand) and another that plays ball very occasionally.

BUT i am a grown-up and so off i go taking a book as the waiting time can be horrendous.  'shall i come in?' asks hubby who doesnt understand my hatred of phlebotomy!  HA no way (said it a bit nicer than that - just!).  in and out in ten minutes, lovely lady and blood ran like liquid gold!! 

the fear is more painful than the deed i think, well mostly.  so many thanks to the lovely lady at St Albans Path Lab, I shall visit you again.

By the way, before you all think oh what a lovely person Kazzle is - when they take blood on the ward I squeeze my hubbies hand as hard as i can.... a pain shared is sweet joy ;)

  • FormerMember

    Hi Kazzle.

    NEVER, EVER, EVER look at the needle being injected.  The mind plays tricks, and pain is anticipated.

    Look away, and think of the fact that if you happened to jab yourself with a sewing needle, can opener or other sharp object - - you wouldn't give it a thought.

    It's all in the mind, so try to look away and think of something nicer.  A LOT of those Phlebotomists can insert a needle without you feeling anything - - as long as you're not anticipating it.    HONEST !