today is a new day

Less than one minute read time.

so today I have plans!  yes I actually have plans....

since my last chemo i have been inactive, firstly through being so physically ill and then through being so down.  but today I am going to a little cafe with my hubby and brother in law to have some breakfast (goodness knows what when everything tastes so strange) then i am going to visit with a couple of friends later, one of whom is housebound after breaking her hip.

its actually quite sad that i am so excited about this but hey any excitment is good right?

wishing everyone a good day x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Kazzle.Any excitement is a good thing :) Did you enjoy your breakfast? I do hope so.I hope you have a better week.

                       Best wishes,Carol

  • FormerMember

    thanks carol

    breakfast was a bit non event as all food is just strange but my Bro-in-law makes me laugh and just putting on a coat and a headcovering was good.

    spending time with friends made me realise thats what i miss most - deffo one to keep doing :)
