week 5 chemo

Less than one minute read time.

just got back from my fifth and penultimate chemo.  i suffered horrendously after the last one and the doc couldnt say it wont happen this time but i now own a small pharmacy with detailed instructions for all the 'if this happens..' scenarios.

was booked in at 9.15 and as i had bloodtest tues the chemo was signed off hold so it would be all go go go.... actually it was all no no no.  the herceptin had been held up so 2 hours late off we go go go.

my portacath wouldnt bleed and as i am on a trial they needed more blood, lots as it turned out! it did however take the chemo and as i only slept 2.5 houurs last night i dozed a bit - nice :)

so alls well for now, the steroids giving me false hope of energy and wellbeing but they finish tomorrow so who knows?  hoping for the best but accepting whatever happens. 

weve a wedding to go to saturday which will be lovely, an uplift for the soul thats for sure :)

wishing everyone a better weekend than they expect, Kaz

