All about me!

  • 05 Diagnosis hits home

    Today it feels like the enormity of my diagnosis has only just hit me. I have been so busy 'doing' things which I think will help, it feels like this has distracted me from coming to terms with what is happening. I suppose another way of look...
  • 04 On my way to Aberdeen

    It's been some time since I have been awake in the small hours! I am currently on route to Aberdeen having chosen to undergo two weeks intensive mistletoe therapy. It feels like I am following a different path than many around me. I question if I...
  • 03 Biopsy Results

    Well at least now I know!  The waiting is over and I now know that it is my bowel cancer that has spread. There are nodules in my lungs and also in the space between my lungs and my gullet (close to my aorta). I tried not to get ahead of myself ...
  • 02 So much to process.....

    It is challenging to know how best to spend time while waiting. I try and step back and witness myself and how I am doing. My capacity to concentrate and undertake the simplest of tasks has been significantly affected. Is it good to keep myself busy?...
  • 01 Cancer in my lungs 'seems likely'

    Monday two weeks ago I had a routine 3 year post bowel cancer operation CT scan. I thought I was doing well and the scan would be clear, or maybe show signs of a hernia around the ileostomy reversal surgery. I had been struggling with pain in my abdo...