01 Cancer in my lungs 'seems likely'

1 minute read time.

Monday two weeks ago I had a routine 3 year post bowel cancer operation CT scan. I thought I was doing well and the scan would be clear, or maybe show signs of a hernia around the ileostomy reversal surgery. I had been struggling with pain in my abdomen similar to the pain I had with previous hernias.

I received a call on Wednesday from the colorectal nurse advising me that the nodules in my lungs had shown signs of growth (compared to my scan two years before). I was being fast-tracked for a Pet scan and it was also likely I would have to have a biopsy taken.

My initial feelings were that of fear and deep sadness. 

The Pet scan took place last Tuesday and on Friday I was given the news that it 'seems likely' that I have cancer in my lungs. Also that I had been referred for a biopsy which I could expect to happen in the next two weeks. 

I often see it said that the waiting and not knowing is the most difficult stage!

The biopsy is expected to indicate the type of cancer - has it spread from my bowel cancer or is it independent of it. There is little progress that can be made until this is established.

I have taken the approach to keep myself busy and distracted during this waiting time. I have shared with my inner circle of friends. This really helps.

The waiting is indeed very challenging - here I am at 3am in the morning unable to sleep writing a blog
